
User Rating: 2.5 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2
If you enjoy playing games where no thinking is required and you can just mash buttons in any order you feel like then this is the game for you.

You'll spend 99% of your time bashing rock formations with "mystic" power. What mystic power is this? They never tell you.

The other time you'll spend fighting the 6 monsters to release the sorrows. Why? What's their background? Why should you care? They don't tell you.

You'll have to die at least once to kill the bosses. Their is nearly no punishement for dying since your given more than enough lives to get through all of the stages. In fact, sometimes dying helps as it moves you FARTHER along than if you would have tried to find food.

There is no leveling up. When you quit, and reload your game you lose some spells you aquired, and get this, YOU CAN EVEN PICK A NEW CHARACTER EVERY TIME YOU LOAD. There is zero benefit, no leveling up other than mor combo moves.

The graphics are okay, they rival the Champions RPG series. The sound is okay, but there are no spoken dialogs other than the movie sequences.

There is no value to this game. It's mindless and awful Whatever you do don't play it!