Almost ran away with the gold...but ended up lower...

User Rating: 7.5 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2
This game seemed to be an awesome game. The first game blew me away. With its long story line, i thought it would roll over into Seven Sorrows...boy was I wrong...

This is yet another game to the Gauntlet series. First off the game comes with only 4 different classes to chose from. Plus the combos, you have to buy...Which all in all isnt bad, mostly because you can't spend your money on anything else. But back to the 4 classes...Theres an Elf, Warrior, Wizard, and a Valkyrie. Not alot for players...

Now the single player campain also has ups and downs...apart from the short campain mode, the co-op mode is easily the prize of the game. With up to 4 players, the co-op is propuly the only way to have much "fun" in this game. There is, of cource, better visuals for the eyes. And even though there is less characters to couse from, they are still good. And not to mention a horrible level up system. This game is not something to buy, unless you like wasting money, or u have friends over alot...who in turn LIKE playing this game on co-op all the time...