Um Hi I'm Gauntlet SS i'll be boring the crap out of you for the next 30 hours.

User Rating: 5.1 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2


i honestly enjoyed the game for the first level. i was running around as the radical elf and kickin some demon/whatever ass. Good enemies and sweet little mini-bosses and what not. Good times were had by all.

Then i got to the second level. And it was exactly the same **** In a different looking level though.

This pattern kept repeating itself until i finally ditched the game around hour 6.

It's not a bad game so to speak it's just really f-ing boring.

"But Scott it's got online!!"- says you.

Yeah but nobody bought it so nobody plays it = Nobody Online

"But Scott i always love gauntlet!!" -says you again.

Look we all love Gauntlet but SevenSorrows just gets boring REAL quick.

So maybe i guess if you have some old D&D friends over, and your mom lets you use the living room tv to play some 4 player action then it could be good times. But i'm warning you when all of them throw down their controls and storm out yelling, "I'VE KILLED THAT SAME GOBLIN 90 TIMES IN THE PAST 15 MINUTES!!!" Dont come crying to me.

I tried to warn you.