Previous Gauntlet fans might feel ripped off.. i know i do.

User Rating: 6 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2
Let me get the good out of the way before i spill out the bad :)

Looks great. Well done 3D world. A little hard to see whats attacking you at some times because there is no camera control. It moves with you and some times isnt going to position itself where you want. Game play is very smooth! Animation is fluant and fast. I did enjoy how nimble and quick the characters feel. Slice and dice, hack and slash.. and a few spells to learn on the way. Pretty cool.

The bad. This is a Gauntlet game? There are keys and treasure chests.. some of the same playable charaters.. but this sure doesnt feel like Gauntlet to me!

NO UNLOCKABLE CHARACTERS? That has been one of the most fun parts of the previous few Gauntlet games.. so i am left unsure as to why they killed it in this one.

Spells and skills.. you can expect to purchase them all between levels.. within about 45 minutes of game play. That with how short the levels feel.. and how few there are.. will leave you as it left me. Just way too short.

It was fun for the 5 hours i played it and beat it.. but no where near as good as previous Gauntlet titles.. and no where near as long!

I have to say i am very let down. If they would have added the amount of unlockables the previous Gauntlets had.. and as many levels.. this game would have kick serious ass. But.. it doesnt :(