This is an instant classic and a hugely underrated game.

User Rating: 8.2 | Gauntlet Legends N64
This was a great game for its time. Not alot of people appreciated this game because of the sloppy grahpics and dungeon gameplay. Well it's still great and i don't know how you can disagree. It has lush environments and it is fun with lots of characters and levels. The co - op gameplay is the best thing about it. If you and some buddies are at your house for a sleepover, this is the perfect game to play. You can play this all through the night because it is so addictive. The bosses are fun to fight and brings some strategy and teamwork to the game. There are some fun levels to play and it is fun to go through. You pick up treasure and buy items with it and they help you through the game. Each item is different and adds flavour tothe game. I think if you want to play a great game then you should go old school and buy an N64 and buy this game with it.