I payed four hundred microsoft points for this?

User Rating: 4 | Gauntlet X360
Gauntlet...when I hear that word I think of the old school four player game where you can play and have fun for hours.This is what I thought when I was seven, so when I saw it I thought that it would be the same awesome gauntlet but instead I found a animal awaiting it's well deserved death.

Gameplay: First thing I noticed was the call for health button, this made it impossible to die thus making the game very easy however there was still about two hours of gameplay despite this.When you start the game you get four uninspiring heroes.The warrior which was a fat idiot who moves slow and just as weak as everyone else.The female warrior( I forgot how to say the name) which is fast but weaker,the wizard which is a slow old man but he can do some good damage and of course my favorite one, the elf.He's one of the fastest ones and he does some decent damage( plus he's the one I got the game master with).And there is no storyline which is one of the many reasons why I gave gauntlet a low score.It's basically a button mashing game,but if there was a storyline it would more than likely be something like "a unstoppable war machine who can regenerate health at a unhealthy scale roams unknown caves or something stupid like that".

Graphics:When I saw "enhanced graphics" I thought that you know maybe they might be a little less stupid looking,it turned out that I was wrong again and that everything still looks like crap.Not much else to say besides that the only real looking thing or the cloesest thing I should say would be the elf's robe or tunic.

Sound: The sound is a joke.The balls that the midget things shoot sound like something you would hear in a cartoon and the noises you make when you get hit are so stupid it's actually quite funny if your bored.And of course who can't forget the stupid voice that says stupid idiotic things like "I never seen such bravery" or "That was a heroic act" and who can forget the oh so annoying "too bad" on the treasure levels.

Value:This is where I got a good laugh, Value? what value? The makers of gauntlets don't have the word "value" in their vocabulary. There is no reason to buy this game unless you eager for gamerpoints.

Overall:It is a sick game (In a bad way) and should be avoided by everyone unless you really want some gamerpoints.