Ah Gauntlet. Easy to pick up and play, nigh impossible to beat.

User Rating: 8 | Gauntlet (Unlicensed) NES
So, are you ready to wade through wave upon wave of mindless enemies in a seemingly never ending maze? Welcome to Gauntlet! This game seems easy at first, but as you keep going you'll quickly realize that Gauntlet has some intensely difficult gameplay towards the end. Graphics. It's pretty tough to judge the graphics since it's 2005 and the graphics are obviously terrible for today's standards. However, for the time I think they weren't too bad, and you could easily distinguish different enemies and the playable characters. Sound. Equally bad by today's standards, and for the time I don't think they were all that great. The cries of pain from the main characters sound like a short cry from a power drill, and most of the other sound effects are pretty dull. As for gameplay, wow. This game certainly had that, if little else. First off, you could pick between 4 characters, each with varying strengths and weaknesses. The Warrior was slow, weak magically, but beastly with strength. The Valkyrie was pretty much average all around except defense - which she had plenty of. The Wizard had mucho magic power, but weak defense. And the Archer had awesome speed but weak everything else. Since this game could be played with 2 people, there were quite some interesting combinations that could be made. Each room encountered is a different maze, and the goal is to find the exit and get to the next room. To do so, you have to find keys to get past locked doors and open treasure chests, and defeat enemies along the way. Fighting enemies is a special challenge since there are generators that constantly create them. Also, your life bar doubles as a timer to beat the game - which means getting hit lowers your time remaining, and that standing still lowers your health! You can increase your time remaining by getting treasure; get enough and your max time will increase in true RPG style. It's a lot of fun to go through the early stages and whomp enemies easily, but towards the end of the game their are absurd amounts of enemies and not enough health. It is possible to win, but I've never done it. Also, if you don't find the secret combination to the last room of the game, you'll lose automatically if you can manage to get all the way there. If you want a great game that's easy to pick up and play, then you should try Gauntlet - but if you're obsessed with beating the games you play, I wouldn't recommend this game unless you are truly a determined gamer. And as for value, I'm sure you could find this game for a few bucks. How's that for value?