could of been more

User Rating: 6.5 | Gatling Gears PC
Gameplay: 6.0/10
Good controls for multi-directional shooter it plays well on both gamepad, keyboards etc...
very fast paced rocket action all the time
at times its hard to dodge with so many rockets on the screen which results in death
when hit by an enemy missile you will have a red color around the screen poiting out that you where hit
but wont tell you from where, it can cause even more confusion with all the rockets flying around.
Sometimes enemy's will spawn on your back which will leave always wondering where did that one rocket come from
and at time will leave you frustrated because it may cause a lot of damage, concentration is of the essence

Sound: 7.0/10
Nice rocket and explosion sounds might not be all realistic but very good for the kind of style the game brings
cartoony ambient music on the background really mixes with the world of gatling gears
all very neatly made too match the cartoony feel that we all love so much
although somehow it seem like something's missing

Graphics: 7.3/10
Cartoony graphics with good detail give this game the personal touch it needs,
shadow look good and very nice textures opens up the world of gatling gears for you
i just wish they founded a way to tell you where you were being hit from without the use of the red screen
it just doesn't blend with the cartoony look the game gives
While the game pushes you into its world there are some annoying features that
Aren't very suited with the games art style and might give sort of a feeling that something's off and it is

Creativity: 6.0/10
While the game is very simple in its upgrading system and all its features and has nothing special
the exp is actually good addition while it gives exp at the end of every stage you will earn skins effects
and pets they don't do anything but they sure are cool to look at
what brings this game down is the scenarios where you play its a forest most of the time in the campaign
the atmosphere seems a tad lacking during most of the campaign as well and the whole game just falls under recycled bin
its all used all before but strangely it doesn't need to have anything amazing
its just epic and knowing that a boss at the end of the stage is waiting is always very exciting
Co-op is very well done all in all its just pure fun with friends or without count on having a short but entertaining time

Value: 6.2/10
After you finish the campaign there's the survival mode that can be fun for limited time
its just what your thinking waves and waves of enemy's coming at you, after while it gets boring
there wont be much more than a good linear short campaign waiting to be finished by you
its a cheap game if you don't want to spend much money its excellent too play with your friends offline and online

Final Thoughts:
good game i wouldnt recommend though theres a lot of amazing games better than this with the same price might of been more to this game if the developers tried to enhance the experience somehow something unique to the game but how it stands its a bland repetetive multi-directional shooter that only offers eye candy

Final Score: 6.5