Cheats & Guides

X-Kaliber 2097 Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Invincibility (Japanese Version)

    At the title screen when it says 'Push Start', enter the code, then go to the Options screen.

    up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, down, R, up, L, Y, B, X, A Adds 'Muteki' on/off to the options.

    Contributed by: real_mukimuki 

  2. Sound Test (Japanese Version)

    At the title screen when it says 'Push Start', enter the code, then go to the Options screen.

    Yx10, Xx4, B, A Adds 'Sound Test' to the options.

    Contributed by: real_mukimuki 

  3. Extra Difficulty Levels (Japanese Version)

    At the title screen when it says 'Push Start', enter the code, then go to the Options screen.

    X, Y, B, A Adds two new difficulty levels.

    Contributed by: real_mukimuki 

  4. Codes

    At the title screen, press:

    Effect Effect
    Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Right, Up, Up, Up. Go to the Options menu and activate the ''No Damage'' option. Invincibiltity
    Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down. Then press A to select the level. Level Select

    Contributed by: Dogg, CyanShadow 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Nerthing 16K