Cheats & Guides

WrestleQuest Cheats For Xbox Series X

  1. Land of Giants

    If stuck and not sure what to do, at the entrance there is a statue underground. You must stand on top of the statue and have another party member raise it to get to the next area. Then you can continue the quest!

    Contributed by: Koolnerd12 

  2. Quests with certain characters

    I saw some locations that required specific characters. Well I had the character in my party, but nothing happened. Turns out you have to make them party leader for the quest to start, otherwise it won't work.

    Contributed by: Koolnerd12 

  3. Summon Legendary Wrestlers in matches

    There are Wrestling Icons in the game that can help you on your journey by summoning them to your match! Each has a quest to obtain them.

    In the land of the giants, take muchacho man and start the quest. Andre the Giant
    In Warpyard Junction, you can run into him and start the quest to help him. Booker T
    You'll see his statue while traveling to Malibu Heights, quest is nearby British Bulldog
    In the Malibu Mall Arcade, go to the back of the arcade and get the snake game high score Jake the Snake Roberts
    When you visit the desert world, he can be found in the stage with the troublesome kids. La Parka
    Early in the game, past the junkyard north, you'll receive a quest to obtain the Legion of Doom summon Legion of Doom
    By chokeslam city, help the old man rescue his son, several quests to complete. Rocky Johnson

    Contributed by: Koolnerd12