Cheats & Guides

Wizard's Lair Cheats For Commodore 64

  1. Invincibility ,Unlimited keys,Unlimited lives

    Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC command before running or restarting the program.

    Effect Effect
    POKE 32818,165 Invincibility
    POKE 32354,X (X represents how many live) Set number of lives
    POKE 8361,181 Unlimited keys
    POKE 49693,165 Unlimited lives

    Contributed by: Dragon King 187 

  2. Level Passwords

    Effect Effect
    Dungn LV2
    Crypt LV3
    Hawlo LV4
    Caive LV5
    Liayr LV6
    Lyons LV7

    Contributed by: Don Carnage