Cheats & Guides

Virtual Hiryuu no Ken Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Play as Ryumaou

    Once you have beaten "Circuit Mode" at least once, goto the character select screenand hold L2 + R2, then select any character and you will play as a weaker version of the boss character, Ryumaou. You may also select its alternative costume by holding L2 + R2 + L1.

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  2. Alternative options menu

    You may access a secret options menu tbat serves as a duplicate of the already existing one, but this one can be accessed before a VS. match to change some of tbe fight's parameters such as handicap, time limit, etc.

    To access it, hold down the select button when choosing your character, and then keep it held until the menu shows up. This only works in VS.MODE.

    Contributed by: MortimerScharf 

  3. Play with 2nd Outfit

    L1 + O to select any character's alternate outfit

    Highlight any Characters, Hold L1,L2,R1,R2 together, then press START 2nd Outfit

    Contributed by: xcv