Cheats & Guides

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call Cheats For 3DS

  1. CollectaCard Passwords (JP Version)

    From the Main Menu, select Config and then Password. Enter the password shown to unlock 3 copies of the listed card. For rank, [N] = Normal, [R] = Rare.

    まじめか! 001 [N] Warrior of Light
    せかいにひかりを 001 [R] Warrior of Light
    はかなげびじょ 002 [N] Princess Sarah
    いもうとがいるよ 002 [R] Princess Sarah
    タダだし! 003 [N] Firion
    あついおとこ 003 [R] Firion
    ミシディア 004 [N] Minwu
    ねんれいふしょう 004 [R] Minwu
    ネギぼうず 005 [N] Onion Knight
    たいきばんせい 005 [R] Onion Knight
    たくさんいる 006 [N] Cid
    ときのはぐるま 006 [R] Cid
    かばうのがとくい 007 [N] Cecil
    しょうらいはこくおう 007 [R] Cecil
    よわむし! 008 [N] Rydia
    りっぱになりました 008 [R] Rydia
    かぶとのしたはきんぱつ 009 [N] Kain
    りゅうきしといえばおれです 009 [R] Kain
    ふくめんおうじ 010 [N] Edge
    なげるとつよいほうちょう 010 [R] Edge
    ほしみっつ! 011 [N] Bartz
    ハーレムパーティ 011 [R] Bartz
    ドレスもにあう 012 [N] Faris
    ひのこころゆうき 012 [R] Faris
    ぱぷぱぷゥ 013 [N] Lenna
    みずのこころいたわり 013 [R] Lenna
    きおくそうしつ 014 [N] Galuf
    あかつきのよんせんし 014 [R] Galuf
    あいってなに? 015 [N] Terra
    モーグリふかふか 015 [R] Terra
    ふなよいげろげろ 016 [N] Locke
    トレジャーハンター 016 [R] Locke
    まふうけん 017 [N] Celes
    ノリノリオペラ 017 [R] Celes
    マシーナリー 018 [N] Edgar
    じょせいをくどくのはれいぎ 018 [R] Edgar
    チョコボあたま 019 [N] Cloud
    きょうみないね 019 [R] Cloud
    おはないちギル 020 [N] Aerith
    あなたにあいたい 020 [R] Aerith
    こぶしがぶき 021 [N] Tifa
    ちょっとせのびパンツ 021 [R] Tifa
    マリンいのち 022 [N] Barret
    ギミックアーム 022 [R] Barret
    やくそくのち 023 [N] Sephiroth
    ぜつぼうプレゼンター 023 [R] Sephiroth
    ここうのせんし 024 [N] Squall
    でんせつのシード 024 [R] Squall
    まじょのペット 025 [N] Seifer
    ざんてつけんがえし 025 [R] Seifer
    うちゅうのほうろうしゃ 026 [N] Rinoa
    スコールよりちからもち 026 [R] Rinoa
    おとなのみりき 027 [N] Laguna
    よっ!だいとうりょう! 027 [R] Laguna
    しっぽ! 028 [N] Zidane
    ひとりじゃない 028 [R] Zidane
    オルニティア 029 [N] Vivi
    よくこけます 029 [R] Vivi
    やわらかおしり 030 [N] Garnet
    コマンドミス! 030 [R] Garnet
    マダインサリ 031 [N] Eiko
    おませなしょうかんし 031 [R] Eiko
    だっつーの! 032 [N] Tidus
    ザナルカンドエイブス 032 [R] Tidus
    オッドアイ 033 [N] Yuna
    ちちおやゆずり 033 [R] Yuna
    ものがたり 034 [N] Auron
    まさむねげんかいとっぱ 034 [R] Auron
    むすこおもい 035 [N] Jecht
    ぶきようなおとうさん 035 [R] Jecht
    カラババ 036 [N] Shantotto
    れんぽうのくろいあくま 036 [R] Shantotto
    なんじゃあこりゃー!? 037 [N] Prishe
    ごせんまんばいがえしだ! 037 [R] Prishe
    ナシュメラ 038 [N] Aphmau
    むてのくずつし 038 [R] Aphmau
    タイムトラベラー 039 [N] Lilisette
    マヤコフトップスター 039 [R] Lilisette
    バンじゃなくて 040 [N] Vaan
    フランってなんさい? 040 [R] Vaan
    でんかはじゅうきゅうさい 041 [N] Ashe
    バルフレアーッ!! 041 [R] Ashe
    しゅじんこう 042 [N] Balthier
    メガフレアテラフレアバルフレア 042 [R] Balthier
    さんしまいのじじょ 043 [N] Fran
    クールなうさみみせんし 043 [R] Fran
    だれがねえさんだ 044 [N] Lightning
    エクレールファロン 044 [R] Lightning
    セラにくびったけ 045 [N] Snow
    ねっけつぶしょうひげ 045 [R] Snow
    おあいこです! 046 [N] Hope
    ホープくんはんこうき 046 [R] Hope
    ねむりひめ 047 [N] Vanille
    デスがとくいです 047 [R] Vanille
    あかつきのけつめい 048 [N] Y'shtola
    シャーレアンしゅっしん 048 [R] Y'shtola
    ベンジャミン 049 [N] Benjamin
    アメリカンヒーロー 049 [R] Benjamin
    アルマ!! 050 [N] Ramza
    えいえんのみならいせんし 050 [R] Ramza
    ホーリーナイト 051 [N] Agrias
    アグリアスねえさん 051 [R] Agrias
    ユウナん 052 [N] Yuna (2nd ver)
    シンをたおしました 052 [R] Yuna (2nd ver)
    リたんとう 053 [N] Rikku (2nd ver)
    かみなりこくふく 053 [R] Rikku (2nd ver)
    パたんとう 054 [N] Paine
    クールたんとう 054 [R] Paine
    ミルラのしずく 055 [N] Cairan
    たびはつづくよ 055 [R] Cairan
    セブンスヘブン 056 [N] Tifa (2nd ver)
    ボンキュッボン 056 [R] Tifa (2nd ver)
    なんでもやるんだ 057 [N] Zack
    こいぬのザックス 057 [R] Zack
    はだしのめがみ 058 [N] Cosmos
    げんそうのはて 059 [N] Chaos
    きゅうきょくのこんとん 059 [R] Chaos
    どこでもねます 060 [N] Ace
    チョコボだいすき 060 [R] Ace
    ネジネジにとうりゅう 061 [N] Machina
    じゅぎょうはさぼりません 061 [R] Machina
    ケホケホッ 062 [N] Rem
    えむぴーじきゅうじそく 062 [R] Rem
    ぶきはモーグリ 063 [N] Serah
    アルテミスアロー 063 [R] Serah
    みんながいきているみらい 064 [N] Noel
    こうぶつはアダマンタイマイ 064 [R] Noel
    きゅうさいしゃ 065 [N] Lightning (2nd ver)
    もどってきました 065 [R] Lightning (2nd ver)
    レースもおまかせ 066 [N] Chocobo
    ダンジョンもおまかせ 066 [R] Chocobo
    もうくえない 067 [N] Fat Chocobo
    エルエルサイズ 067 [R] Fat Chocobo
    ダンスもとくい 068 [N] Moogle
    ごうかでしょ? 069 [N] Curtain Call Heroes
    チョコボキック 070 [N] Chocobo
    バイクにもなる 071 [N] Shiva
    クールビューティ 071 [R] Shiva
    けんろう 072 [N] Ramuh
    らいてい 072 [R] Ramuh
    ほのおのまじん 073 [N] Ifrit
    しゃくねつのおう 073 [R] Ifrit
    きりすてごめん 074 [N] Odin
    パカラッパカラッ 074 [R] Odin
    りゅうおう 075 [N] Bahamut
    しょうかんじゅうだいひょう 075 [R] Bahamut
    ラウンドアイランド 076 [N] Knights of Round
    アルティメットエンド 076 [R] Knights of Round
    つちのカオス 077 [N] Lich
    いけるしかばね 077 [R] Lich
    ガーランド 078 [N] Chaos
    あくのりんね 078 [R] Chaos
    はなしかけてはいけない 079 [N] Captain
    きさまらはんらんぐんだな! 079 [R] Captain
    かてない? 080 [N] Black Knight
    しっこくのよろい 080 [R] Black Knight
    ウボァー 081 [N] Emperor
    なまえはない 081 [R] Emperor
    ぶつりはむいみ 082 [N] Hein
    おしゃれがいこつ 082 [R] Hein
    しねい! 083 [N] Xande
    ノアのでし 083 [R] Xande
    みどりのおばさん 084 [N] Cloud of Darkness
    わしのはどうほう 084 [R] Cloud of Darkness
    ゾンビまつり 085 [N] Scarmiglione
    はるのスプリミリョーネ 085 [R] Scarmiglione
    クカカカ! 086 [N] Cagnazzo
    ふゆのウィナッツォ 086 [R] Cagnazzo
    ながいかみのけ 087 [N] Barbariccia
    あきのフォーリシア 087 [R] Barbariccia
    なまあしちらり 088 [N] Rubicante
    なつのサマカンテ 088 [R] Rubicante
    つきのたみ 089 [N] Golbez
    いいですとも! 089 [R] Golbez
    ビッグバーン 090 [N] Zeromus
    ブラックホール 090 [R] Zeromus
    えーぴーぴーかせぎ 091 [N] Objet D'art
    きんのはりでいちげき 091 [R] Objet D'art
    ゼザといっきうち 092 [N] Enkidu
    エクスカリパーみつけたよ 092 [R] Enkidu
    げんじのこて 093 [N] Gilgamesh
    じつはすごくいいやつ 093 [R] Gilgamesh
    ようしゃなし 094 [N] Omega
    おたから?! 095 [N] Shinryu
    むがだいすき 096 [N] Exdeath
    カメェェェッー! 096 [R] Exdeath
    バックアタック 097 [N] Magitek Armor
    あべこべでござるぞ 097 [R] Magitek Armor
    オルちゃん 098 [N] Ultros
    きんにくもりもりきらい 098 [R] Ultros
    はないき 099 [N] Typhon
    フンガーーー!! 099 [R] Typhon
    とつぜんくるよ 100 [N] Deathgaze
    くちのなかからバハムート 100 [R] Deathgaze
    くるったどうけし 101 [N] Kefka
    ちっっっっくしょーーーー!! 101 [R] Kefka
    だれからいく? 102 [N] Kefka
    だいよんがくしょう 102 [R] Kefka
    タークス 103 [N] Reno
    あいぼうはルード 103 [R] Reno
    つかまえてごらん 104 [N] Ultimate Weapon
    きゅうきょくへいき 104 [R] Ultimate Weapon
    ライジングサン 105 [N] Diamond Weapon
    ミッドガルだいはかい 105 [R] Diamond Weapon
    かんぜんたい 106 [N] Jenova Synthesis
    ほしのたいない 106 [R] Jenova Synthesis
    さいしゅうけいたい 107 [N] Safer Sephiroth
    すべてのけっちゃくを 107 [R] Safer Sephiroth
    せなかかかせない 108 [N] Esthar Soldier
    あしのうらかかせない 108 [R] Esthar Soldier
    トイレいかせない 109 [N] Gesper
    はなのあたまムズムズ 109 [R] Gesper
    いせいじん 110 [N] Pupu
    もっとちょうだい! 110 [R] Pupu
    おちのタライ 111 [N] Tonberry King
    ロイヤルクラウン 111 [R] Tonberry King
    しんしなおひげ 112 [N] Giguantaur
    すってんころりん 112 [R] Giguantar
    まませんせい 113 [N] Edea
    シードだいきらい 113 [R] Edea
    じかんあっしゅく 114 [N] Ultimecia
    やすむひまなくよんれんせん 114 [R] Ultimecia
    カカカ! 115 [N] Black Waltz 3
    ヒギュッ 115 [R] Black Waltz 3
    カラフルボール 116 [N] Ozma
    さいきょうのきゅうたい 116 [R] Ozma
    フレアスター 117 [N] Trance Kuja
    ぼくがいちばんうつくしい 117 [R] Trance Kuja
    しんのラスボス 118 [N] Necron
    ニュートンリング 118 [R] Necron
    はのスフィア 119 [N] Anima
    くさりでこうそく 119 [R] Anima
    いちげきのじひ 120 [N] Seymor Natus
    まだまだつづく 120 [R] Seymor Natus
    ジェクトビーム 121 [N] Braska's Final Aeon
    アザーワールド 121 [R] Braska's Final Aeon
    ジャイアン 122 [N] Gigas
    しゅみはたてあつめ 122 [R] Gigas
    おこるとこわい 123 [N] Goobbue
    しゅしょくはマンドラゴラ 123 [R] Goobbue
    むえいだいおう 124 [N] The Shadow Lord
    たいけんナイトフォール 124 [R] The Shadow Lord
    おとなこども 125 [N] Eald'narche
    トカゲやろう 126 [N] Bangaa Thief
    まほうにがて 126 [R] Bangaa Thief
    しおみずでせいちょう 127 [N] Mandragoras
    なきごえにきをつけて! 127 [R] Mandragoras
    アグレッサー 128 [N] Gabranth
    のらいぬのいじ 128 [R] Gabranth
    ぜったいぼうぎょ 129 [N] The Undying
    かおだけヴェイン 129 [R] The Undying
    タフさいちばん 130 [N] Yiazmat
    エイチピーごせんじゅういちまん 130 [R] Yiazmat
    チュートリアル 132 [N] Manasvin Warmech
    ストーカーきしつ 132 [R] Manasvin Warmech
    にじゅうおんせい 133 [N] Orphan
    こころないさばき 133 [R] Orphan
    ナイスボディ 134 [N] Ultima, the High Seraph
    アジョラさんだいかいてん 134 [R] Ultima, The High Seraph
    ミッドガルまたはかい 135 [N] Bahamut Sin
    まがいもの 136 [N] Manikin
    みんなだみごえ 136 [R] Manikin
    デカオ 137 [N] Feral Chaos
    しんのこんとん 137 [R] Feral Chaos
    まどうアーマー 138 [N] Colossus
    でんきによわい 138 [R] Colossus
    とにかくでかい 139 [N] Atlas
    いいやつもいるよ 140 [N] Goblin
    どくガス 141 [N] Green Dragon
    ドラゴンせんたい 141 [R] Green Dragon
    グランドソード 142 [N] Iron Giant
    じつはおくびょう 142 [R] Iron Giant
    しのせんこく 143 [N] Ahriman
    そらとぶめだま 143 [R] Ahriman
    すいこむ 144 [N] Sand Worm
    ミミズ?イモムシ? 144 [R] Sand Worm
    きょだいなとり 145 [N] Zu
    ユーエスエーではすごくつよい 145 [R] Zu
    なかみはないしょ 146 [N] Magic Pot
    エリクサーちょうだい! 146 [R] Magic Pot
    ゆうわく 147 [N] Lamia
    だいたいびじょ 147 [R] Lamia
    じりじりせまる 148 [N] Tonberry
    ほうちょうグサッ! 148 [R] Tonberry
    デルタアタック 149 [N] Mover
    みっつでひとつ 149 [R] Mover
    こうげきあたらない 150 [N] Cactuar
    フェイントかい!? 150 [R] Cactaur
    パンちら 151 [N] Hill Gigas
    あのでかいやつ 151 [R] Hill Gigas
    ブラスター 152 [N] Coeurl
    おひげゆらゆら 152 [R] Coeurl
    ギョギョ! 153 [N] Sahagin
    はんぎょじん 153 [R] Sahagin
    じひびき 154 [N] Adamantoise
    ロングイにあこがれて 154 [R] Adamantoise
    ぼっかーん 155 [N] Bomb
    きょうあくフェイス 156 [N] King Bomb
    ぼっっっっかーん!!! 156 [R] King Bomb
    はみがきしません 157 [N] Malboro
    ばんのうやくもった? 157 [R] Malboro
    モルボルきん 158 [N] Great Malboro
    クサさばいぞう 158 [R] Great Malboro
    えいせいへい 159 [N] Flan
    カラメルソースとともに 159 [R] Flan
    ブルルルルン 160 [N] Jumbo Flan
    たべてもおいしくないよ 160 [R] Jumbo Flan
    じょうれん 161 [N] Behemoth
    でかいのにはやい 161 [R] Behemoth
    よんれんだ!! 162 [N] King Behemoth
    メテオカウンター 162 [R] King Behemoth

    Contributed by: SBAllen 

  2. CollectaCard Passwords (EU/NA Version)

    From the main menu, Settings > Enter Passwords

    Why so serious? 001 [N] Warrior of Light
    Light it up 001 [R] Warrior of Light
    Ephemeral beauty 002 [N] Princess Sarah
    Big sister 002 [R] Princess Sarah
    What? It's free! 003 [N] Firion
    A man of passion 003 [R] Firion
    Mysidia 004 [N] Minwu
    Real age unknown 004 [R] Minwu
    That onion kid 005 [N] Onion Knight
    Late bloomer 005 [R] Onion Knight
    There's not just one 006 [N] Cid
    Wheel of Time 006 [R] Cid
    Handy in a pinch 007 [N] Cecil
    Future King 007 [R] Cecil
    Crybaby! 008 [N] Rydia
    Grew up pretty fine 008 [R] Rydia
    Actually blond 009 [N] Kain
    The original Dragoon 009 [R] Kain
    Two-faced prince 010 [N] Edge
    Has a great arm 010 [R] Edge
    Three stars 011 [N] Bartz
    Harem party 011 [R] Bartz
    Can rock a dress 012 [N] Faris
    Flames of Courage 012 [R] Faris
    Papa, Papuuu! 013 [N] Lenna
    Waves of Devotion 013 [R] Lenna
    Who am I? 014 [N] Galuf
    Warriors of Dawn 014 [R] Galuf
    What is love? 015 [N] Terra
    Moogle lover 015 [R] Terra
    Bleeeuuugh!!! 016 [N] Locke
    Treasure Hunter 016 [R] Locke
    Runic 017 [N] Celes
    Opera Floozy 017 [R] Celes
    Machinery 018 [N] Edgar
    Ladies' Man 018 [R] Edgar
    Chocobo-head 019 [N] Cloud
    Not interested 019 [R] Cloud
    Flowergirl 020 [N] Aerith
    I want to meet you 020 [R] Aerith
    My fists are my weapon! 021 [N] Tifa
    Orthopedic Underwear 021 [R] Tifa
    All for Marlene 022 [N] Barret
    Gimmick Arm 022 [R] Barret
    The Promised Land 023 [N] Sephiroth
    Brings the despair 023 [R] Sephiroth
    The aloof warrior 024 [N] Squall
    Legendary SeeD 024 [R] Squall
    The sorceress's pet 025 [N] Seifer
    Fire Cross 025 [R] Seifer
    Lost in space 026 [N] Rinoa
    Stronger than Squall 026 [R] Rinoa
    My manly charm 027 [N] Laguna
    I'm the prez! 027 [R] Laguna
    Loves chasing tail 028 [N] Zidane
    You're not alone 028 [R] Zidane
    Ornitier 029 [N] Vivi
    A bit of a klutz 029 [R] Vivi
    Ooo, soft 030 [N] Garnet
    Can't concentrate 030 [R] Garnet
    Madain Sari 031 [N] Eiko
    Spare summoner 031 [R] Eiko
    Star players first! 032 [N] Tidus
    The Zanarkand Abes 032 [R] Tidus
    Heterochromia 033 [N] Yuna
    Like father, like daughter 033 [R] Yuna
    My story 034 [N] Auron
    Bushido 034 [R] Auron
    What a dad 035 [N] Jecht
    I hate you, Dad 035 [R] Jecht
    Lady Karababa 036 [N] Shantotto
    I rhyme in time 036 [R] Shantotto
    Aww, hell! 037 [N] Prishe
    Knuckle sandwich 037 [R] Prishe
    Nashmeira 038 [N] Aphmau
    Puppetmaster 038 [R] Aphmau
    Time traveler 039 [N] Lilisette
    Mayakov's star 039 [R] Lilisette
    Two a's please 040 [N] Vaan
    How old are you again? 040 [R] Vaan
    Crowned at nineteen 041 [N] Ashe
    Balthier! 041 [R] Ashe
    Leading man 042 [N] Balthier
    Actually Ffamran 042 [R] Balthier
    Middle sister 043 [N] Fran
    Not your plaything 043 [R] Fran
    Not your sister 044 [N] Lightning
    Claire Farron 044 [R] Lightning
    Crazy about Serah 045 [N] Snow
    Stubble of love 045 [R] Snow
    Now we're even! 046 [N] Hope
    Teen rebellion 046 [R] Hope
    Sleeping beauty 047 [N] Vanille
    Hecatoncheir 047 [R] Vanille
    Scions of the Seventh Dawn 048 [N] Y'shtola
    Sharlayan native 048 [R] Y'shtola
    Benjamin 049 [N] Benjamin
    Unknown hero 049 [R] Benjamin
    Alma! 050 [N] Ramza
    Ever the squire 050 [R] Ramza
    Holy Knight 051 [N] Agrias
    Holy knight 051 [R] Agrias
    Yunie 052 [N] Yuna #2
    Defeated Sin 052 [R] Yuna #2
    Al Bhed 053 [N] Rikku #2
    Astraphobia 053 [R] Rikku #2
    Kick its ass 054 [N] Paine
    Give me a break 054 [R] Paine
    Myrrh drops 055 [N] Ciaran
    Caravan man 055 [R] Ciaran
    7th Heaven 056 [N] Tifa #2
    Perfect hourglass 056 [R] Tifa #2
    You're not the only hero! 057 [N] Zack
    The puppy dog 057 [R] Zack
    Barefooted goddess 058 [N] Cosmos
    This ends now 058 [R] Cosmos
    Master of illusion 059 [N] Chaos
    Ultimate Chaos 059 [R] Chaos
    Can sleep anywhere 060 [N] Ace
    Loves chocobos 060 [R] Ace
    Bolt Rapiers 061 [N] Machina
    Never skips class 061 [R] Machina
    Cough cough 062 [N] Rem
    MP not an issue 062 [R] Rem
    Fights with a moogle 063 [N] Serah
    Ultima Arrow 063 [R] Serah
    A future that has people 064 [N] Noel
    Loves Adamantoise 064 [R] Noel
    The savior 065 [N] Lighting #2
    Back again 065 [R] Lightning #2
    Handy in a race 066 [N] Chocobo
    Does dungeons, too 066 [R] Chocobo
    I'm stuffed! 067 [N] Fat Chocobo
    Supersized 067 [R] Fat Chocobo
    Hot dance moves 068 [N] Moogle
    No touching the tail 068 [R] Moogle
    Quite the ensemble 069 [N] Curtain Call Heroes
    Heroines, too 069 [R] Curtain Call Heroes
    Chocobo Kick 070 [N] Chocobo
    Loyal steed 070 [R] Chocobo
    Want a ride? 071 [N] Shiva
    Cool beauty 071 [R] Shiva
    Wise mage 072 [N] Ramuh
    Thunder clap 072 [R] Ramuh
    Fiery demon 073 [N] Ifrit
    Fire master 073 [R] Ifrit
    He'll cut you down 074 [N] Odin
    Clippity-clop 074 [R] Odin
    The Dragon King 075 [N] Bahamut
    THE summon 075 [R] Bahamut
    Round Island 076 [N] Knights of the Round
    Ultimate End 076 [R] Knights of the Round
    Fiend of Earth 077 [N] Lich
    Living corpse 077 [R] Lich
    Garland 078 [N] Chaos
    Evil incarnated 078 [R] Chaos
    Do not approach 079 [N] Captain
    Rebels!? 079 [R] Captain
    Cannot be beat? 080 [N] Black Knight
    Dark armor 080 [R] Black Knight
    Ungaahhhh! 081 [N] Emperor
    No known aliases 081 [R] Emperor
    Physical immunity 082 [N] Hein
    One styling skeleton 082 [R] Hein
    Hah hah hah! Die! 083 [N] Xande
    Noah's student 083 [R] Xande
    Green lady 084 [N] Cloud of Darkness
    Particle Beam 084 [R] Cloud of Darkness
    Zombie fest 085 [N] Scarmiglione
    Call me Milon 085 [R] Scarmiglione
    King faker 086 [N] Cagnazzo
    Who is Kainazzo? 086 [R] Cagnazzo
    Flowing locks 087 [N] Barbariccia
    Valvalis? Valvalicia? 087 [R] Barbariccia
    Flash a little leg 088 [N] Rubicante
    Rubicant? Close enough. 088 [R] Rubicante
    Lunarian 089 [N] Golbez
    Man in Black 089 [R] Golbez
    Big Bang 090 [N] Zeromus
    Black Hole 090 [R] Zeromus
    ABP farming 091 [N] Objet d'art
    Gold Needle 091 [R] Objet d'art
    Xezat's foe 092 [N] Enkidu
    Or Enkido 092 [R] Enkidu
    Genji Gloves 093 [N] Gilgamesh
    Nice underneath it all 093 [R] Gilgamesh
    Relentless 094 [N] Omega
    Terrifying encounter 094 [R] Omega
    Treasure!? 095 [N] Shinryu
    Ragnarok's guardian 095 [R] Shinryu
    Loves nothingness 096 [N] Exdeath
    That's a tree!? 096 [R] Exdeath
    Back Attack 097 [N] Magitek Armor
    Bumpy ride 097 [R] Magitek Armor
    Octopus Royalty 098 [N] Ultros
    Hates muscle men 098 [R] Ultros
    Snort 099 [N] Typhon
    FUNGAH! 099 [R] Typhon
    Random Encounter 100 [N] Deathgaze
    Cough up that Bahamut! 100 [R] Deathgaze
    Mad clown 101 [N] Kefka Palazzo
    Uwee-hee-hee! 101 [R] Kefka Palazzo
    Such meaningless things 102 [N] Kefka
    Warring Triad 102 [R] Kefka
    Turk 103 [N] Reno
    It's me and Rude 103 [R] Reno
    Try and catch me 104 [N] Ultimate Weapon
    It's the ultimate 104 [R] Ultimate Weapon
    Rising Sun 105 [N] Diamond Weapon
    Midgar's enemy 105 [R] Diamond Weapon
    The true form 106 [N] Jenova - SYNTHESIS
    Inside the Planet 106 [R] Jenova - SYNTHESIS
    Disciplinary Committee 107 [N] Safer - Sephiroth
    Momma's boy 107 [R] Safer - Sephiroth
    My back itches 108 [N] Esthar Soldier itchy... 108 [R] Esthar Soldier
    No potty breaks 109 [N] Gesper
    Nose-face maniac 109 [R] Gesper
    An alien 110 [N] PuPu
    More please! 110 [R] PuPu
    Falling pots! 111 [N] Tonberry King
    Watch the crown 111 [R] Tonberry King
    Handlebar mustache 112 [N] Gigantuar
    Falling down flat 112 [R] Gigantuar
    The Matron 113 [N] Edea
    Hates SeeDs 113 [R] Edea
    Time Compression 114 [N] Ultimecia
    Back-to-back-to-back-to-back 114 [R] Ultimecia
    Kwahahahaha! 115 [N] Black Waltz No. 3 scum! 115 [R] Black Waltz No. 3
    Color sphere 116 [N] Ozma
    The strongest spheroid 116 [R] Ozma
    Flare Star 117 [N] Trance Kuja
    Who's the fairest? 117 [R] Trance Kuja
    The real final boss 118 [N] Necron
    Newton's rings 118 [R] Necron
    Destruction Sphere 119 [N] Anima
    Chained danger 119 [R] Anima
    Mortibody 120 [N] Seymor Natus
    Not done yet 120 [R] Seymor Natus
    Jecht Beam 121 [N] Braska's Final Aeon
    Otherworld 121 [R] Braska's Final Aeon
    Mighty Giant 122 [N] Gigas
    Hobby: collecting shields 122 [R] Gigas
    Scary when mad 123 [N] Goobbue
    Lives on mandragoras 123 [R] Goobbue
    Fiat Lux 124 [N] The Shadow Lord
    Beastman master 124 [R] The Shadow Lord
    Babyface 125 [N] Eald'narche
    Secret left eye 125 [R] Eald'narche
    Call me a lizard!? 126 [N] Bangaa Thief
    Not fond of magic 126 [R] Bangaa Thief
    High sodium 127 [N] Mandragoras
    Cover your ears! 127 [R] Mandragoras
    Aggressor 128 [N] Gabranth
    Another Noah 128 [R] Gabranth
    Perfect Defense 129 [N] The Undying
    Not so Vayne now 129 [R] The Undying
    The very toughest 130 [N] Yiazmat
    50,000,000+ HP 130 [R] Yiazmat
    Bare minimum 131 [N] PSICOM Enforcer
    Weak but plentiful 131 [R] PSICOM Enforcer
    Tutorial 132 [N] Manasvin Warmech
    Mechanical stalker 132 [R] Manasvin Warmech
    Speaks in plural 133 [N] Orphan
    Heartless judgment 133 [R] Orphan
    Nice body 134 [N] Ultima, the High Seraph
    Took Ajora for a ride 134 [R] Ultima, the High Seraph
    Another blow to Midgar 135 [N] Bahamut SIN
    Where're my wings? 135 [R] Bahamut SIN
    Just a fake 136 [N] Manikin
    A real faker 136 [R] Manikin
    Regnum Dei 137 [N] Feral Chaos
    True Chaos 137 [R] Feral Chaos
    Magic armor 138 [N] Colossus
    Not fond of lightning 138 [R] Colossus
    Just plain huge 139 [N] Atlas
    Where's the off switch!? 139 [R] Atlas
    Not all bad 140 [N] Goblin
    Hobby: roller skating 140 [R] Goblin
    Poison Gas 141 [N] Green Dragon
    Green with greed 141 [R] Green Dragon
    Grand Sword 142 [N] Iron Giant
    Actually quite cowardly 142 [R] Iron Giant
    Doom 143 [N] Ahriman
    Flying eyeballs 143 [R] Ahriman
    Swallowed! 144 [N] Sand Worm
    Worm or caterpillar? 144 [R] Sand Worm
    One big bird 145 [N] Zu
    Mystic Quest's toughest 145 [R] Zu
    Inside's a secret 146 [N] Magic Pot
    Gimme an Elixir! 146 [R] Magic Pot
    Entice 147 [N] Lamia
    Half a hottie 147 [R] Lamia
    Creeping closer 148 [N] Tonberry
    Watch the knife! 148 [R] Tonberry
    Delta Attack 149 [N] Mover
    Three musketeers 149 [R] Mover
    Can't hit me 150 [N] Cactaur
    Stop dodging! 150 [R] Cactaur
    Panty shot 151 [N] Hill Gigas
    The big one 151 [R] Hill Gigas
    Blaster 152 [N] Coeurl
    Watch the whiskers 152 [R] Coeurl 153 [N] Sahagin
    Half-fish 153 [R] Sahagin
    Quake 154 [N] Adamantoise
    Long Gui's my hero 154 [R] Adamantoise
    Boom! 155 [N] Bomb
    Getting mad 155 [R] Bomb
    Ugly mug 156 [N] King Bomb
    Ka-BOOOOOOM! 156 [R] King Bomb
    Halitosis 157 [N] Malboro
    Got Remedies? 157 [R] Malboro
    Worst breath 158 [N] Great Malboro
    Double the stank 158 [R] Great Malboro
    Flanitor? 159 [N] Flan
    Where's my spoon? 159 [R] Flan
    Boi-oing 160 [N] Jumbo Flan
    Not a bit tasty 160 [R] Jumbo Flan
    A real regular 161 [N] Behemoth
    Big and fast 161 [R] Behemoth
    Four in a row 162 [N] King Behemoth
    Meteor Counter 162 [R] King Behemoth

    Contributed by: SBAllen, x_loto, bassoonking, Crystal_pony, Anurith, Pepsi, Shadow_StalkerX, dli17 

  3. Unlockable Characters

    With the exception of the four characters you choose to start with at the beginning of the game, you will have to unlock the rest (so choose wisely).</p > The majority of characters are unlocked by collecting Crystal Shards. There are 12 colors of Crystal Shards, and each character is aligned with a certain type. When you collect enough shards of one type, you can then choose (only) one character of that type to be unlocked. Then your Shards (of that type) will reset to zero.</p > Unlockable characters that do not require collecting crystal shards are limited to Chaos (via Rhythmia) and the DLC packs' characters.

    Collect enough Yellow Crystal Shards Ace (Final Fantasy Type-0)
    Collect enough Pink Crystal Shards Aerith (Final Fantasy VII)
    Collect enough Orange Crystal Shards Agrias (Final Fantasy Tactics)
    Collect enough White Crystal Shards Amphmau (Final Fantasy XI)
    Collect enough Orange Crystal Shards Ashe (Final Fantasy XII)
    DLC character - DLC Pack 06 Auron 2 (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Collect enough Blue Crystal Shards Balthier (Final Fantasy XII)
    Collect enough Silver Crystal Shards Barret (Final Fantasy VII)
    Collect enough Red Crystal Shards Bartz (Final Fantasy V)
    Collect enough Yellow Crystal Shards Benjamin (Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest / Final Fantasy USA)
    Collect enough Green Crystal Shards Cecil (Final Fantasy IV)
    Collect enough Blue Crystal Shards Celes (Final Fantasy VI)
    Collect 20,000 Rhythmia and defeat Chaos Chaos (Dissidia Final Fantasy)
    Collect enough Green Crystal Shards Ciaran (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles)
    Collect enough Orange Crystal Shards Cid (Final Fantasy III)
    Collect enough Yellow Crystal Shards Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)
    DLC character - DLC Pack 03 Cloud 2 (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
    Collect enough Red Crystal Shards Cosmos (Dissidia Final Fantasy)
    Collect enough Gold Crystal Shards Edgar (Final Fantasy VI)
    Collect enough Gold Crystal Shards Edge (Final Fantasy IV)
    Collect enough Silver Crystal Shards Eiko (Final Fantasy IX)
    Collect enough Purple Crystal Shards Faris (Final Fantasy V)
    Collect enough Indigo Crystal Shards Firion (Final Fantasy II)
    Collect enough Gold Crystal Shards Fran (Final Fantasy XII)
    Collect enough Silver Crystal Shards Galuf (Final Fantasy V)
    Collect enough White Crystal Shards Garnet (Final Fantasy IX)
    Collect enough White Crystal Shards Hope (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Collect enough Gold Crystal Shards Jecht (Final Fantasy X)
    Collect enough Blue Crystal Shards Kain (Final Fantasy IV)
    DLC character - DLC Pack 05 Krile (Final Fantasy V)
    Collect enough Gold Crystal Shards Laguna (Final Fantasy VIII)
    Collect enough White Crystal Shards Lenna (Final Fantasy V)
    Collect enough Red Crystal Shards Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Collect enough Green Crystal Shards Lightning 2 (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII)
    Collect enough Silver Crystal Shards Lilisette (Final Fantasy XI)
    Collect enough Orange Crystal Shards Locke (Final Fantasy VI)
    Collect enough Purple Crystal Shards Makina (Final Fantasy Type-0)
    Collect enough Purple Crystal Shards Minwu (Final Fantasy II)
    Collect enough Purple Crystal Shards Noel (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
    Collect enough Yellow Crystal Shards Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III)
    DLC character - DLC Pack 04 Orlandeau (Final Fantasy Tactics)
    Collect enough Blue Crystal Shards Paine (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Collect enough Pink Crystal Shards Princess Sara (Final Fantasy I)
    Collect enough Purple Crystal Shards Prishe (Final Fantasy XI)
    Collect enough Yellow Crystal Shards Ramza (Final Fantasy Tactics)
    Collect enough White Crystal Shards Rem (Final Fantasy Type 0)
    Collect enough Pink Crystal Shards Rikku (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Collect enough Blue Crystal Shards Rinoa (Final Fantasy VIII)
    DLC character - DLC Pack 02 Rosa (Final Fantasy IV)
    Collect enough Pink Crystal Shards Rydia (Final Fantasy IV)
    Collect enough Purple Crystal Shards Seifer (Final Fantasy VIII)
    Collect enough Black Crystal Shards Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
    Collect enough Indigo Crystal Shards Sera (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
    Collect enough Yellow Crystal Shards Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI)
    Collect enough Pink Crystal Shards Snow (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Collect enough Green Crystal Shards Squall (Final Fantasy VIII)
    Collect enough Indigo Crystal Shards Terra (Final Fantasy VI)
    Collect enough Indigo Crystal Shards Tidus (Final Fantasy X)
    Collect enough White Crystal Shards Tifa (Final Fantasy VII)
    Collect enough Green Crystal Shards Tifa 2 (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
    Collect enough Silver Crystal Shards Vanille (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Collect enough Green Crystal Shards Vann (Final Fantasy XII)
    DLC character - DLC Pack 07 Vincent (Final Fantasy VII)
    Collect enough Orange Crystal Shards Vivi (Final Fantasy IX)
    Collect enough Red Crystal Shards Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy I)
    Collect enough Indigo Crystal Shards Y'Shtola (Final Fantasy XIV)
    DLC character - DLC Pack 01 Yuffie (Final Fantasy VII)
    Collect enough Pink Crystal Shards Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
    Collect enough Indigo Crystal Shards Yuna 2 (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Collect enough Red Crystal Shards Zack (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)
    Collect enough Red Crystal Shards Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999, hitechno 

  4. Rhythmia Unlockables - Playable Songs

    By obtaining Rhythmia, you can unlock new songs to play.

    40,000 Rhythmia Chaos Battle/Chaos Dragon - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call BMS Arrangement
    7,500 Rhythmia Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Theme of Crisis Core
    8,500 Rhythmia Dissida 012 Final Fantasy - Lux Concordiae
    22,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon - Dungeon Hero X's Theme
    30,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon - Guardian of Darkness 2
    26,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon - Raffaello Battle
    5,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy Tactics - Bland Logo~Title Back
    6,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy Type-0 - We Have Come
    2,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - Advent: One-Winged Angel
    2,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy X-2 - 1,000 Words
    4,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Warrior Goddess
    1,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy XIV - Answers
    3,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Starry Moonlit Night
    1,500 Rhythmia Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XII - Savior o Souls
    10,000 Rhythmia Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call Special Arrange Medley

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  5. Rhythmia Unlockables - Music Player Tracks

    By earning Rhythmia, you can obtain new sets of music, by game, for the Music Player.

    66,500 Rhythmia Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
    46,500 Rhythmia Dissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy
    56,500 Rhythmia Dissidia Final Fantasy
    750 Rhythmia Final Fantasy
    11,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy II
    21,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy III
    31,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy IV
    81,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy IX
    106,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy Tactics
    36,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy Type-0
    41,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy V
    51,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy VI
    61,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy VII
    76,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    71,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy VIII
    91,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy X
    96,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy X-2
    101,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy XI
    110,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy XII
    121,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy XIII
    26,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy XIII-2
    16,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy XIV
    86,500 Rhythmia Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
    116,000 Rhythmia Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (Final Fantasy USA in Japan)
    5,750 Rhythmia Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XII

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  6. Rhythmia Unlockables - Crystal Shards

    By earning Rhythmia, you can earn sets of the colored, Crystal Shards and thus unlock more characters. After a certain point, you will earn random Crystal Shards, or items if you have all the Shards you need - this starts at 9,750 Rhythmia and occurs every 1,000 ~ 1,500 thereafter.

    8,250 Rhythmia Gold Crystal Shard x6
    2,750 Rhythmia Green Crystal Shard x4
    1,250 Rhythmia Indigo Crystal Shard x4
    6,250 Rhythmia Orange Crystal Shard x6
    4,000 Rhythmia Pink Crystal Shard x6
    250 Rhythmia Red Crystal Shard x4
    9,000 Rhythmia Silver Crystal Shard x6
    6,750 Rhythmia Turquoise Crystal Shard x6
    4,750 Rhythmia Violet Crystal Shard x6
    7,750 Rhythmia White Crystal Shard x6
    2,250 Rhythmia Yellow Crystal Shard x4

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  7. Rhythmia Unlockables - Touch Sounds

    By earning Rhythmia, you can obtain more Touch Sounds

    500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    1,750 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    3,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    5,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    6,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    8,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    9,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    12,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    15,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    18,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    22,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    25,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    29,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    33,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    36,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    39,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    43,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    46,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    49,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    52,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    55,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    58,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    62,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    64,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    68,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    70,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    74,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    77,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    80,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    83,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    86,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    89,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    92,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    95,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    98,500 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    107,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    114,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    122,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    128,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    134,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    140,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    146,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    153,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    159,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    165,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    171,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    177,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    183,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound
    189,000 Rhythmia Touch Sound

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  8. Trophies

    By completing various tasks in the game, you will earn a Trophy - your whole collection can be found within the Records section of the Museum.</p > (Note that DLC content is not required for any of these; however, DLC can help to contribute to some, such as those Trophies accounting for this-many Summons and the like.)

    Get a Full Chain one time Trophy
    Get a Full Critical Chain one time Trophy
    Clear three songs with the Touch Style control settings Trophy
    Clear three songs with the Button Style control settings Trophy
    Clear three songs with the One-Hand Style control settings Trophy
    Clear three songs with the Hybrid Style control settings Trophy
    Summon Knights of the Round one time Trophy
    Exchange Profile Cards with one player Trophy
    Defeat the CPU one time Trophy
    Defeat a human player via the Internet one time Trophy
    Defeat a human player via local multiplayer one time Trophy
    Complete one set of Crystal Shards Trophy
    Reset one character's Level to Level 1 Trophy
    Unlock Chaos as a playable character Trophy
    Summon all avatars at least once each Trophy
    Ride all kinds of Chocobo Trophy
    Ride all airships Trophy
    Watch all of the EX movies Trophy
    Play every song at least once, regardless of whether you win Trophy
    Clear every song Trophy
    Defeat all kinds of monsters Trophy
    Play for over 100 hours Trophy
    Obtain 99,999 Rhythmia Trophy
    Summon Knights of the Round 10 times Trophy
    Ride Chocobos 100 times Trophy
    Encounter 100 Moogles Trophy
    Encounter 100 Fat Chocobos Trophy
    Watch EX Movies 50 times Trophy
    Play 100 songs in Music Select Trophy
    Play 300 songs in Music Select Trophy
    Play 500 songs in Music Select Trophy
    Trigger 500 Abilities Trophy
    Trigger 1,000 Abilities Trophy
    Use 50 items Trophy
    Use 100 items Trophy
    Defeat 100 monsters Trophy
    Defeat 500 monsters Trophy
    Defeat 1,000 monsters Trophy
    Use 10 CollectaCards to power up characters Trophy
    Use 50 CollectaCards to power up characters Trophy
    Use 100 CollectaCards to power up characters Trophy
    Obtain 15 Profile Cards Trophy
    Obtain 50 Profile Cards Trophy
    Obtain 99 Profile Cards Trophy
    Get to Level 99 with four characters Trophy
    Get to Level 99 with sixteen characters Trophy
    Get to Level 99 with thirty-two characters Trophy
    Reset four characters back to Level 1 Trophy
    Reset eight characters back to Level 1 Trophy
    Reset twelve characters back to Level 1 Trophy
    Defeat 10 opponents via the Internet Trophy
    Defeat 30 opponents via the Internet Trophy
    Defeat 50 opponents via the Internet Trophy
    Fill 10 Critical Bars Trophy
    Fill 30 Critical Bars Trophy
    Earn a combined score across all songs of 1 billion points Trophy
    Earn a combined score across all songs of 3 billion points Trophy
    Earn a combined score across all songs of 5 billion points Trophy
    Complete 10 Short Quests Trophy
    Complete 30 Short Quests Trophy
    Complete 50 Short Quests Trophy
    Complete 5 Middle Quests Trophy
    Complete 15 Middle Quests Trophy
    Complete 30 Middle Quests Trophy
    Complete 5 Long Quests Trophy
    Complete 10 Long Quests Trophy
    Complete 15 Long Quests Trophy
    Complete 5 Received Quests Trophy
    Complete 15 Received Quests Trophy
    Complete 30 Received Quests Trophy
    Complete all songs on the Basic difficulty Trophy
    Complete all songs on the Expert difficulty Trophy
    Complete all songs on the Ultimate difficulty Trophy
    Get a Full Chain on all songs on the Basic difficulty Trophy
    Get a Full Chain on all songs on the Expert difficulty Trophy
    Get a Full Chain on all songs on the Ultimate difficulty Trophy
    Collect all Normal CollectaCards Trophy
    Collect all Rare CollectaCards Trophy
    Collect all Premium CollectaCards Trophy
    Obtain every playable character Trophy
    Get to Level 99 with every character Trophy
    Fill all Critical Bars Trophy
    Collect every Touch Sound Trophy
    Complete Bronze Class in CPU Versus Mode Trophy
    Complete Silver Class in CPU Versus Mode Trophy
    Complete Gold Class in CPU Versus Mode Trophy
    Complete Platinum Class in CPU Versus Mode Trophy
    Get Critical Success on 8 CollectaCards at the same time in the Crystarium Trophy
    Defeat 7 monsters in one BMS Trophy
    Walk 10,000 meters in one FMS Trophy
    Trigger 10 Abilities in one BMS Trophy
    Trigger 10 or more EX Bursts in one Versus Mode Trophy
    Defeat 50 monsters in one Quest Trophy
    Walk 50,000 meters in one Quest Trophy
    Recover more than 500% of your HP gauge in a single Quest Trophy
    Defeat Feral Chaos in Quest Medley Trophy

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by SBAllen and x_loto 434K