Cheats & Guides

Super Mario Bros. / Tetris / Nintendo World Cup Cheats For NES

  1. Continue from start of current world.

    Hold A and press Start at the Gameover screen to continue from the first level of that world.

    Contributed by: AWing Pilot 

  2. More Choice Pieces (Tetris)

    Every time you move a piece over, the game counts it. The more you move it, the game thinks you have more trouble with that certain piece, and will dish out more of them. You can exploit this every time you get a Tetris (Long "I" shape) piece, just move it from side to side as it falls. You will get it more often every time that you do so.

    Contributed by: Jelly Soup 

  3. No Preview (Tetris)

    Press select while playing a game to hide the preview of what block is going to fall next.

    Contributed by: Jelly Soup 

  4. Start With 4 Free Lines on B-Type Game (Tetris)

    Start the game and wait for the demo. When the computer eliminates the four lines at once (makes a tetris), and the screen begins to flash, press start. Now start a B-type game. The screen will flash, and you will start with extra points plus 4 less lines to eliminate.

    Contributed by: Jelly Soup 

  5. Passwords for all teams (Nintendo World Cup)

    These passwords work for all teams, the only difference is the last two letters. So, use the letter combination from the key below, and insert it into the last two places of the password you want to use.

    00: USA
    01: Holland
    02: Japan
    03: France
    04: Cameroon
    05: Russia
    06: Mexico
    07: England
    08: Spain
    09: Brazil
    10: West Germany
    11: Argentina
    12: Italy

    Effect Effect
    602## 10th Match
    103## 2nd Match
    307## 3rd Match
    015## 4th Match
    220## 5th Match
    721## 6th Match
    115## 7th Match
    424## 8th Match
    626## 9th Match
    128## Final Match
    223## Semifinal Match

    Contributed by: Jelly Soup 

  6. Codes (Tetris)

    Effect Effect
    Select the level you want, hold down A, then press START. Warp 10 levels ahead.

    Contributed by: Jelly Soup 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by BSulpher 260K