Cheats & Guides

Super Fantasy Zone Cheats For Genesis

  1. Original Arcade soundtrack

    Hold and keep pressed A + B + C buttons then press start on title screen. In-Game BGMs will change to the original Fantasy Zone Arcade version.

    Contributed by: LordKale 

  2. Cheat Mode

    During gameplay, pause, then on controller 2, hold Down+Left and press Start, B. The word "Pass" will appear on screen to confirm correct entry. The following button commands are now enabled: <u>Controller 1</u> A: Clean pause screen. B: Toggle between normal mode, no hit mode (invincibility), and free play mode (unlimited lives) C: Skip to the next level. <u>Controller 2</u> A: Get 99,999,999 gold. B: Remove "Pass" text. C: KiIls all enemies and skips straight to the current stage's boss.

    Contributed by: LuigiSan 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Fang the Sniper 18K