Cheats & Guides

Star Trek Starfleet Academy: Starship Bridge Simulator Cheats For Sega 32X

  1. Level Passwords

    Effect Effect
    RUBUBLRRBU Level 01
    LUBUBRRRBA Level 02
    RUBUBSRRBA Level 03
    LUBUBCRRBU Level 04
    RUAUBDRDBU Level 05
    LUBUBRRLBA Level 06
    LUBUBCRLBU Level 07
    RUBUALRRBD Level 08
    UBSBLLLAAC Level 09
    LUAUAURUBB Level 10
    RUBUASRRBB Level 11
    LUBUACRRBD Level 12
    RUBUALRLBD Level 13
    LUBUARRLBB Level 14
    RUAUABRDBB Level 15
    LUBUACRLBD Level 16
    RUBUBLRRBD Level 17
    LUBUBRRRBB Level 18
    RUBUBSRRBB Level 19
    LUBUBCRRBD Level 20

    Contributed by: BXBomber 

Star Trek Starfleet Academy: Starship Bridge Simulator Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Win Mission #000: Kobiyashi Maru

    To win in the Kobiyashi Maru mission, you do the following.
    First, enter the codes for "Secret Cadet Names" and "Star Trek Series Names". Choose the names "James T." and "Kirk" for your cadet names. Next, play the game through like normal. When it comes time for the Klingon Birds of Prey to attack you in the Kobiyashi Maru scenario, open hailing frequencies to the Klingons. The Klingons should respond sounding surprised, then offer escort through the Neutral Zone to the Kobiyashi Maru.(This is the absolute only way to win in this no-win situation, but it's not necessary to beat the game.)

    Contributed by: Joseph Collins 

  2. Codes

    Effect Effect
    Press X, Y, X, Y at the ''New Cadet Registration'' screen. Then hold L, R, Select and press A, B, A, B. Choose Star Trek Series Names
    Hold down L, R, and Select, and then press A, Y, B, Y at any of the Ship Selection Menus New ships in Training Simulator

    Contributed by: Gamer7048, Retro 

  3. Mission Passcodes

    Effect Effect
    X X X A L A X R Y Y B Y Final Exam
    X X X R X X Y R X R Y L Mission 101
    X X X R A X A L X R Y Y Mission 102
    X X X R L Y Y A X R Y X Mission 103
    X X X R Y Y A X X R Y L Mission 104
    X X X R B A X L X R Y A Mission 105
    X X X R R X Y R X Y Y B Mission 201
    X X X L X X A B X Y Y A Mission 202
    X X X L A Y Y A X Y Y A Mission 203
    X X X L L Y A X X Y Y X Mission 204
    X X X L Y A X L X Y Y A Mission 205
    X X X L B X Y R Y L X X Mission 301
    X X X L R X Y R Y L X R Mission 302
    X X X B X X A L Y L X B Mission 303
    X X X B A Y Y A Y L X A Mission 304
    X X X B L Y A X Y L X X Mission 305
    X X X B Y X Y R Y Y B L Mission 401
    X X X B B X A B Y Y B A Mission 402
    X X X B R Y Y A Y Y B X Mission 403
    X X X A X Y Y A Y Y B A Mission 404
    X X X A A Y A Y Y Y B B Mission 405

    Contributed by: Retro 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by KHaight 32K