Cheats & Guides

SD Gundam G Generation-F Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Unit Password

    Choose Black History from the menu in order to buy the following units:

    Effect Effect
    01-1117166 3 Black star's Custom Zaku I
    01-8549484 61 Tank
    01-9034791 Agai
    01-7995196 Agu
    01-4977504 Agugai
    02-0250038 Aizaku
    01-2388480 Aqua GM
    01-7638951 Armored car
    01-0316189 Ball
    01-5678535 Ball Kai
    01-2601402 Batorabensunmamu
    01-6611859 Battle bike Female type
    01-9476998 Battle Bike Male type
    01-0306788 Battle Helicopter
    01-4595827 Bushi
    01-4100469 Core Fighter
    01-5432811 Core Fighter (Casval's Custom)
    01-2125974 Core Fighter V
    01-6919362 Core Fighter ZZ
    02-0160573 D Gundam First
    01-4471883 D unit
    01-5952987 Daughtress (Alternative)
    01-9106567 Daughtress (Federation)
    01-9769260 Daughtress Tank
    01-5115233 Daughtress Weapon (Alternative)
    01-5020124 Daughtress Weapon (Federation)
    02-0052586 Death Army
    01-5284326 Dep Rog
    01-9770157 Desert GM
    01-1648314 Dish Communicator
    02-0749378 Dizad Zaku
    01-8774922 Don Escargo
    01-4044199 Dop
    01-3308157 Doratsue
    02-0662640 Doshito
    01-3965437 Dragon Fly
    01-2719903 Esutarudos
    01-6877172 EWAC Leo
    01-3173629 EWAC Nero
    01-2984903 Fan fan
    01-1365532 First Ball
    01-3190309 Fly Mantha
    01-2837371 Gaia's Custom Zaku I
    01-9266748 Galma's Custom Dop
    01-2894638 Garikusons
    01-9055184 Gatoru
    02-0445419 Gaza E (MA)
    01-4647460 Gigan
    01-6775363 GM
    01-4783220 GM (grey)
    01-2391878 GM Cannon
    01-2149438 GM Cannon (Grey)
    02-0248402 GM Cannon II
    01-3068372 GM Light Armor
    02-0626081 GM Quail
    01-4206540 GM Trainer
    02-0513946 Gok (Black)
    01-7733365 High Mobility Leo
    01-6460103 High Mobility Zaku
    01-5449389 Hipuhebi
    01-5715818 Hobi Hizaku
    01-0412078 Hovertruck
    02-0261995 Ifrit
    01-1457554 Jet Stream
    01-9847869 Jiko
    02-0530838 Kutroka Original
    01-6897228 Leo (Land use)
    01-4938868 Leo (OZ type)
    01-2907061 Leo (Space use)
    01-6304692 Mass Product Guntank
    01-2075677 Mazera Attack
    02-0270171 Nemo
    02-0456626 Nubel GM III
    01-0436445 Oasis
    01-3887035 Overhead Hawk
    01-7062519 Paburiku
    01-3517898 Puruwan
    01-3154536 Rugen
    02-0723939 RX-81 Standard
    02-0658271 Sebutem Kai
    01-7051806 Seiba Fish
    01-4172603 Seiba Fish (Leader type)
    01-9448532 TIN Cod
    01-5337095 Toragos (Hover)
    01-6023856 Toragos (MS)
    01-3082702 Toria Ace FF-4
    01-1495540 Under Water Experiment unit
    01-8656151 Wado
    01-6370384 Zaku Cannon
    01-1436255 Zaku Flipper
    01-0003543 Zaku I
    01-2381054 Zaku II F
    01-9526829 Zaku II F (Desert Color)
    01-4909401 Zaku II F (Leader Type)
    01-0053139 Zaku II J
    01-2041080 Zaku II J (Asu type)
    01-0665595 Zaku II J (Del type)
    01-7828945 Zaku II J (Kimberlight Brown)
    01-9996673 Zaku II J (Kimberlight)
    01-9243013 Zaku II J (White)
    01-1902893 Zaku Marine
    01-1129602 Zaku Minelayer
    01-5563631 Zaku Strong Observer
    01-1639417 Zaku Tank
    01-7961590 Zani

    Contributed by: Fallen Wings 

  2. Free Tarus

    Go to enter the Black History Code when your are level 5 or higher.

    Effect Effect
    05-8719057 Get Noin's Tarus(MA) for free

    Contributed by: heerowang 

  3. Misc. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete all campaigns. Turn A Gundam Missions
    Complete all campaigns. View Movies

    Contributed by: Fang 1 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Dragen 39K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Durendal 205K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SOng 431K