Cheats & Guides

Return To Genesis Cheats For Amiga

  1. Invincibility

    During gameplay, type the name AMADEUS, then press [F5]. If the cheat's been entered successfully, your ship will be invincible, and now able to pass through enemies.

    Press [F5] again to disable the cheat.

    [F5] Activates invincibility
    AMADEUS Unlocks invincibility cheat

    Contributed by: jimfish 

Return To Genesis Cheats For Atari ST

  1. Invincibility

    On the title screen, type WASP.ASM.

    During gameplay, press [F5]. If the cheat's been entered successfully, your ship will be invincible, and now able to pass through enemies.

    [F5] Activates invincibility
    WASP.ASM Unlocks invincibility cheat

    Contributed by: jimfish