Cheats & Guides

Powerslide (1998) Cheats For PC

  1. Floating

    Input "apollo" while playing the game to activate Float function wheneven pressing "Alt" key.

    Contributed by: sephirosuy 

  2. Cheat Codes

    Effect Effect
    JEFF Advanced Tracks
    SLEEP AI cars don't steer
    TWISTER AI cars get whipped around by an invisible tornado
    WARP AI cars go very slow
    MEGASAXON All Tracks/Cars
    ICBM Car acts as a missile
    SPIDER Car adheres to any surface
    HOVER Car hovers
    JUMP Car jumps in the air
    SUCK Cars gravitate toward each other
    AARONFOO Expert Tracks
    BOMB Launch bomb from car to track
    BURN Launch rocket from car
    LIGHT Lighter car
    LUNAR Lunar gravity
    BLAST Repels other cars
    SLIPPY Slippery surfaces
    TIMEWARP Slows time for AI cars
    STICKY Sticky surface
    GLIDER When in air, car controls like glider

    Contributed by: SirFragalot, ATadeo 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Codes Codes by Squishi Man 1K