Cheats & Guides

Picross e7 Cheats For 3DS

  1. Special Puzzles

    If you have save data from Picross e, e2, or e3 on your console, you can unlock 5 special puzzles. Each game's save adds five puzzles, for a total of fifteen overall!

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  2. Fixed Hint Roulette

    The Hint Roulette isn't as random as it looks. Whenever you're doing a 15 X 15 puzzle that allows for it, activate the Hint Roulette and don't press any buttons. Eventually, it will stop on the top row and leftmost column. Since this gives you the layout of two edges, it makes the puzzles much easier. If you use this trick on a 20 X 15 puzzle, it will give you the top row, and the 4th column from the left.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Gold Medals

    On the main menu screen, you can receive a gold medal next to each mode's button. To get the medal, you must complete each puzzle in that mode in under an hour (each solution must be displayed in color at the end).

    Complete each puzzle in that mode in under an hour. Gold Medal

    Contributed by: discoinferno84