Cheats & Guides

Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman Cheats For TurboGrafx-16

  1. Use The Same Character

    On the "Select Players" screen, highlight "2 Players", hold Select and press I + II. Now both players can use the same characters.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. Ingame Cheats

    While playing, pause the game and enter the following codes:

    Effect Effect
    Right, Select, Left, Select, Select, Run Commit Suicide
    Up, Up, Select, Down, Button 2, Select, Run Invincibility
    Left, Right, Select, Right, Left, Select, Select, Run Skip To The Boss
    Down, Select, Up, Run. Turn Invincibility Cheat Off

    Contributed by: ReyVGM, Mezmorize99