Cheats & Guides

Instinct Cheats For Linux

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 10 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Mimicking instinct Almost femme fatale
    Parental instinct Couldn’t become mom
    Nutrition instinct Food comes first – other things can wait
    “Sleep – wakefulness” regulation instinct Good morning!
    Territorial instinct Guarding the habitat
    Power-saving instinct I’ll just keep quiet…
    Defensive instinct It’s time to protect what you love!
    Mating instinct Natural attraction
    Exploration instinct Not just curiosity
    Playing instinct One more game?

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Instinct Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 10 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Mimicking instinct Almost femme fatale
    Parental instinct Couldn’t become mom
    Nutrition instinct Food comes first – other things can wait
    “Sleep – wakefulness” regulation instinct Good morning!
    Territorial instinct Guarding the habitat
    Power-saving instinct I’ll just keep quiet…
    Defensive instinct It’s time to protect what you love!
    Mating instinct Natural attraction
    Exploration instinct Not just curiosity
    Playing instinct One more game?

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

Instinct Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 10 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Mimicking instinct Almost femme fatale
    Parental instinct Couldn’t become mom
    Nutrition instinct Food comes first – other things can wait
    “Sleep – wakefulness” regulation instinct Good morning!
    Territorial instinct Guarding the habitat
    Power-saving instinct I’ll just keep quiet…
    Defensive instinct It’s time to protect what you love!
    Mating instinct Natural attraction
    Exploration instinct Not just curiosity
    Playing instinct One more game?

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer