Cheats & Guides

Hometown Story Cheats For 3DS

  1. Item Duplication

    Select and have your character hold the item you wish to duplicate, Now move your character to "exit" the item screen. Press B to put the item away and quickly select another item and press A. The first item you were holding will now be duplicated. This is works on Key Items also.

    Contributed by: FredoBaggumms 

  2. Passwords

    Go to the bookshelf that is in the corner of your room, go to the "Password" section and choose the mobile symbol.

    6931-4107-8459 Assorted fruits
    9355-7961-1257 Giant swordfish
    2110-3875-1734 Milk for a month
    2938-4483-2376 Ocean gem
    0338-4272-1332 Shiny gold veggies

    Contributed by: Supercrazy370