Cheats & Guides

Frontier: Elite II Cheats For Amiga

  1. Easy Money

    Buy an extra passenger cabin and get a passenger for it. Now try to sell your ship - you cannot do this, however, each time you attempt this your money will be increased.

    Contributed by: Crazyreyn 

Frontier: Elite II Cheats For PC

  1. Be promoted to Elite

    Fly to Phobos and stop about 0.5 km from it. Aim at the moon and set your Stardream Time Control on 3 ''>>>'' and fire unceasingly. ''Right on Commander'' will appear in a message and you will rise to Elite status.

    Contributed by: TimmyTheRabidTurtle 

  2. Unlimited Credit

    Buy a ship and fit an extra passenger cabin in it. Then take on a contract from the bulletin boards to fill the cabin. NOW try and downgrade the ship in the shipyard - the money you should have earned you will gain, but you will NOT lose your ship - you can't whilst you have a passenger on board. Repeat as many times as you like to earn EASY credit.

    Contributed by: Mister Sinister