Cheats & Guides

Deer Avenger 4 Cheats For PC

  1. Attract Hunters

    Hold the following buttins to attract hunters:

    Right Shift+Left Alt+F8

    NOTE: This must be done while you are not holding a weapon.

    Contributed by: Warhawk 

  2. Walk Outside Boundaries

    To do tbis trick, you need to defeat all the hunters and unlock the Jeep in West Virginia. Drive the Jeep to the road and park it so the entrance is equaly lined up with the mini-wall that blocks the outside. Get out and you will be in the usually unpenatratable area! Have fun!

    Contributed by: Glitched_Up 

  3. Play Super Hard Mode

    After you kill all the hunters, and have all the weapons, you can unlock super hard mode. Hunt a little in the first three zones. Then, when you think your ready, go to Virginia. You'll barely have time to go anywhere without a hunter appearing. Even if you have your stats maxed out, the Hunter's do some SERIOUS damage. (Warning! Only try this if you're an expert at the game.)

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat Game, Play in Virginia Super Hard Mode

    Contributed by: Glitched_Up 

  4. Attract Hunters

    While playing a game, hold [Shift] long enough and hunters will appear.

    Effect Effect
    Attract Hunters While playing a game, hold [Shift] long enough and hunters will appear.

    Contributed by: Max Jones