Cheats & Guides

Coin-Op Kingdom Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 21 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Hired 10 workers A Bale of Turtles
    Have 100 customers visit your arcade A Camouflage of Chameleons
    Hired 10 janitors A Cornucopia of Slugs
    Hired 10 chefs A Hyrda of Octopi
    Hired 10 workers A Labour of Moles
    Have 10,000 customers visit your arcade A Parliament of Owls
    Have 1000 customers visit your arcade A Siege of Cranes
    Bought 1000 arcade machines Arcade Connoisseur
    Bought 100 arcade machines Arcade Enthusiast
    Bought 2000 arcade machines Arcade Master
    Bought an arcade machine Arcade Noob
    Earn a total of $1,000,000,000 across all your arcades Arcade Tycoon
    Hired a chef Calamari Special
    Earn a total of $1,000,000 across all your arcades Corporate King of the Roost
    Completed the tutorial First Steps
    Earn a total of $100 across all your arcades Fledgling Enterprise
    Hired a worker Fresh from the sewers
    Waking up Sleeping Puppers is rude! Let Sleeping Doggos Lie
    Hired a janitor No Added Salt
    Earn a total of $10,000 across all your arcades Small Business Owner
    Hired a techy Where are his glasses?

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer