Cheats & Guides

Cobra Kuroryuuou no Densetsu Cheats For Turbo CD

  1. Debug Menu

    Start the game and when you are on the pool scene with the chubby woman, select the second option (Examine) and the second option again (Middle Aged Woman). Do this 15 more times and you'll get the debug menu where you can watch all the visuals and hear all the music.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. Mission Select

    First do the Debug Menu cheat. Once on the debug menu, enter the first option (Visual Room) and then exit it by selecting the last option. Then enter the second option (Music Room) and exit it. Finally, enter the third option (Voice Room) and exit it. Repeat the same process once last time and when you get out of the last option, two new entries which let you warp to any mission or area will be available.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM