Cheats & Guides

Blaster Master Zero II Cheats For Nintendo Switch

  1. Area and True Ending

    In order to access Area Ω and achieve the true ending, defeat Planade-G at the end of Area G after colllecting all the Emblems from the Metal Attacker pilots.

    Contributed by: yuval4436 

  2. How to unlock every image in Kanna's Stranga Gallery (Kanna Raising Simulator)

    This is a straight-forward guide on how to unlock the entire Stranga Gallery in Kanna Raising Simulator (DLC).

    After obtaining Ominous Kanna, clear the second stage with more insect points scored. Bunny Kanna
    If you obtain Kanna, clear the final stage without finding the hidden Kanna. Elegant Kanna
    After obtaining Kannapokkur or Young Kanna, clear the second stage with more insect points scored. Fairy Kanna
    If you obtain Fairy Kanna or Golem Kanna, clear the final stage with more robot points scored. Fruit Kanna a la mode
    If you obtain Golem Kanna, clear the final stage with more item points scored. If Bunny Kanna, clear with more insect and item points scored. Fur Kanna
    After obtaining Young Kanna or Ominous Kanna, clear the second stage with more robot points scored. Golem Kanna
    If you obtain Kanna, clear the final stage and find the hidden Kanna. Infinity Kanna
    After obtaining Kannapokkur, clear the second stage with more robot points scored. Inkanna
    After obtaining Inkanna or Golem Kanna, clear the final stage with more robot and insect points scored. Jelly Kanna
    After obtaining Kannapokkur, Young Kanna or Ominous Kanna, clear the second stage with more item points scored. Kanna
    Clear the first stage with more robot points scored. Kannapokkur
    This is what you start with. Li'l Kanna
    Clear the first stage with more insect points scored. Ominous Kanna
    If you obtain Inkanna, clear the final stage with more item points scored. If Fairy Kanna, clear with more insect and item points scored. Ris-Kanna
    Clear the first stage with more item points scored. Young Kanna

    Contributed by: WilyWarz007 

Blaster Master Zero II Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.

    See the bad ending. A Future Out of Reach
    See the true ending. Beyond the Furthest Reaches
    Trample over 40% of the field in Dungeon 1 on Montoj. Dumb spud!
    Counter each of Garuda's attacks with the right sub-weapons, then defeat it. G vs G
    Defeat ATOM. NORA MA-03
    Defeat EIR. NORA MA-06
    Defeat full-power GARUDA. NORA MA-07
    Use Fred's wormhole to return to G-SOPHIA. SOPHIA WARP
    Obtain every item. Strongest in the Universe
    Defeat the boss mutant on planet Divido. THE DIMENSIONAL GLUTTON
    Defeat powered-up Gonbei. THE LEGENDARY TAKEYARI MASTER
    Defeat the boss mutant on Immigration Ship L-229. THE METAL GUARDIAN
    Defeat the boss mutant on planet Montoj. THE MOUNTAIN OF CHAOS
    Defeat Leibniz in Area G. THE NOMAD BERSERKER
    Defeat the boss mutant in Area G. THE PARASITIC DEATH STAR
    Defeat the boss mutant in Area E. THE PLANET DESTROYER
    Defeat the boss mutant on planet Flosante. THE WEB OF DESTRUCTION

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold