Cheats & Guides

Battle Baseball (1993) Cheats For NES

  1. Sound Test

    Hold Up + A + B + Start when the 'Banpresto' logo appears.

    Contributed by: odino 

  2. Use The Same Team

    At the menu screen, choose the lower left option, then Vs Game. Now, while choosing your team, hold Select + Start and you'll be able to chose the same team as your opponent.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  3. Reach The Final Team

    At the game menu, select the top option, then select the 1st or 3rd option. Pick your team and play a game (or let the computer play them, it's way faster). After finishing a game, you'll see a news anchor giving the results of the games. On the very last message he gives, press A + B on controller 2 at the same time. If you're not sure what his last message is, then just press A + B until the Hero All Stars Team challenges you. Beat them to beat the game!

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by IceQueenZer0 7K