Cheats & Guides

Baseball Simulator 1.000 Cheats For NES

  1. Stop the computer from using it's special abilities

    As soon as the computer selects a special ability, call a time out and go to the reliever screen. Press cancel and the ability should be deselected.

    Contributed by: NHSheep 

  2. Remove an opposing hitter from the game

    To remove an opposing hitter from the game, hit him with a Fireball pitch.

    Contributed by: terrisus 

  3. Send a fielder into space

    In the Outer Space stadium, press Start and select Shift. Move the Right Fielder right up against the fence. When a ball is hit into the outfield, the right fielder will fly out into space.

    Contributed by: terrisus 

  4. Automatically catch fly balls

    Give a fielder a fielding rating of 50 or above and they will catch any pop fly or foul tip.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Have a fielding rating of 50 or above Automatically catch any pop fly or foul tip

    Contributed by: terrisus 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by SShannon 84K