Cheats & Guides

Aqua Jet Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Play as a Penguin

    At the Press Start screen press the start button while squeezing the accelerator. Then do the following:

    hold the steering colum Up, press Start, and then release.

    hold the steering colum Down, press Start, and then release.

    hold the steering colum Down, press Start, and then release.

    hold the steering colum Up, press Start and squeeze the accelerator at the same time.

    Contributed by: alex cross 

  2. Mirror Mode

    When the screen says ''Press Start Button'', press the Start button while squeezing the accelerator, At the ''Course Selection'' screen, select a course by leaning Left (Novice) or Right (Expert). Now enter the following code:
    1.Hold the steering coulmn Up, press Start, then release.
    2.Hold the steering column UP, press Start, then release.
    3.Hold the steering column Down, press Start, then release.
    4.Hold the steering column Down, press Start and squeeze the accelerator simultaneously.
    Now the course is a mirror of its original. The course map appearing in the upper left corner of the screen is also mirrord and a ''M'' mark is lite.

    Contributed by: NiGHTS