Futurama, beholds a very very awesome future, but it lacks a good game.

User Rating: 6.7 | Futurama XBOX
Futurama, was released based of the canceled 4 season show that aired on Fox from 1999 to around 2003. The series was about a pizza boy slackker who lived a troubled life, well one of his pizza delieverys turns out to be a joke. So he is in a older building with freezing tubes, and he accidently falls in and travels into the future 3000. He meets a couple pals, Leela, Bender and he also finds his great great great great great great great great great great Nephew. Push comes to shove, this show brought drama, love and excitement to a Fox. Unlike the game.

The games story is surrounded by mom the riches lady in the world and she is after your company. You must controll over 3 cool characthers to stop her...That two sentences explains THE WHOLE STORY and how lame it was.

Playing Futurama, you will go throw lots of tedious puzzles and very low A.I. baddies that make you wanna snrangle your grandmother. All the characthers are uniquely different, in moves and ways they talk. When you do fight, you do get lots of weapons to play with, like pistols or rifles, that are very very rarely brought up in the show. But no need, you will need them probably. Everything in the levels are pretty much boring in how there is nothing you really can interact with, which, pretty much makes me so mad i wanna scream to the gods...Lol...

However, this game did outdo themselves in one thing and one thing only. THey brought on the cast from the show to play the parts. Which made me happy to hear Bender say kiss my mental shiney ass. Or Fry say something so dumb you just spit your drink or food everywhere. The games tracks are alright, as seeing they are really none to choose from and they are so random. Your weapons also make some wierd noises, and i have to say, but im glad. All the weapons are very unique and very very cool.

However, this game does fill up alot of Futurama fans and is very exciting to them, but if your a hard gamer, than this game is nothing to you....