Another mediocre TV game

User Rating: 5.3 | Futurama XBOX
Futurama was and still is a great TV show and when the game was announced in 2000 many fans felt that a great game would be made and equal the show itself, but sadly it never was.
The game falls short at almost every level and always feels like the team behind it couldn’t really be bothered and was only motivated by profit and not creating a classic game.
It feels so much like a clone of so many other games you feel like you’ve played it before you even finish the first level. Which does prove that the game had very little planning and no original ideas at all.
The graphics are quite good on the characters which are 3D animated very well and move in the same way as the show itself, but for some reason the level colours and designs are very dull and life less for a games machine capable of Halo quality.
The sound is the only thing about the game that is any good, as all the voices are there and spoke by the real actors which are clear and well edited. Sadly the game sound effects are very poor with dull weapon sounds and level sounds.
But the worst thing about the game is the very poor level designs. Half the time you can’t see because of the poor camera angles. But even when you can see the is still made difficult by platform jumping which becomes boring and annoying after about 2 seconds and if you fall off, you lose a life because its always above deep holes or toxic waste. The level ideas are also boring, as they consist of sewers, asteroids and the surface of the Sun, which is quite a let down when the show has so many different locations on earth and space.
Sadly the game never surprises and never delivers more then a poorly made 3D episode of Futurama which makes you wonder why it took them about 3 years to make!
Hopefully if another Futurama game is made, they do it right.