Painful for even the biggest fan of the series, and just a heartbreak for me

User Rating: 5.2 | Futurama XBOX
I love Futurama, Dr. Zoidberg may be one of the funniest cartoon characters of all time, and since it was canceled I have re-watched the DVD's to try and fill that void, then I when I realized a game was out, I rushed to the local gameshop to pick it up. I quickly should have realized that something was wrong when I was able to purchase it for almost 1/3 the cost of other new games, and there were at least four pre-owned versions available to me. Upon tearing off the wrapping and playing the game I quickly realized that any tied from the game to the TV show were minimal at best. I would almost say that this game seemed like it was created first and had the Futurama licence thrown on after the fact. The Graphics are ok, perhaps the best aspect of the game, The gameplay is very awkward and often times you really just sort of move forward in a very typical going from point A to point B sort of manner. The Sound is amusing at first, but after the hundredth time of hearing some of the sound bits you really start to get annoyed with it, also some of the sound cues almost seemed to miss their mark like a thud sound a moment after you have already landed, There isn't much to say about this game other then it was just simply a poorly done licence, and a game that would have not even made the shelves if it didn't have the words Futurama on the front. If you are a hardcore fan give it a rent, and see what you think but overall I would have to say this is an avoid, even at the reduced cost