Fury the game of speed and teams.

User Rating: 8 | Fury (2007) PC
this is a delightful change from other mmo's such as WoW or Guild wars as it is fully pvp and instead of having to play 4 hours b4 u get to the fun part of playing with mates in PVP action u just delve right in. little lag with a great set of mechanics and my favorite part is that there is a strong element like in wow and guild wars of how u have to group to complete further in the game but you done have to sit around 4 hours w8ing 4 other people who want to do the same instance and one u finally have that group it has a high chance of just exploding with and overload of crap players or just falling apart strait away. this its just strait in strait out and the best part you can do something in like 5 mins rather than having to take hours to complete something.