Fury is not for everyone, but for those that get how to play its a game that has a lot of potential.

User Rating: 8 | Fury (2007) PC
First of all to the gamespot reviewer, learn how to play a true pvp game before you review it please. You talk of all this clutter building up on your screen and such fast paced play, it makes me think that you have never even played PVP in WoW and done well at it. You click your skills first of all, for this pace(I will admit is an extreme to the spectrum of gameplay) is horribly wrong. I can tell you the people who actually know what they are doing do not click, they set up their skills in a way that they can hit 1-6 or 7 and an additional key on the fly. You think 24 is a lot? Firstly in order to balance your skills to your armor points you shouldn't even really have 24 skills that you use constantly. Maybe 6-7 that you really enjoy and a few for special occasions and your buffs. Thats it. As to the 24 themselves, you should have seen my UI for WoW. I had atleast 48 different skills on my toolbar at one time. True I didn't use all of them, but if you practice and get to know the game you can easily tell where they all are.

As to the game itself, yes it does have some bugs, the biggest being a memory leak that they are trying to work on. The load times and occasional random lag? All have been attributed to this memory leak. If you talked to the developers and were active in the community you would see that. You wrote the review during a time when there was one game of bloodbath an hour? A lot has changed. More and more people are getting into the game and learning to play it right. You have to keep in mind, this is a brand new game, EVERY GAME UPON RELEASE HAS BUGS. Especially games that have only an online element. You also have to keep in mind Auran is a company that has never branced off into this type of game first of all, let alone one with this scale of online play. They are doing very well at it. Don't compare this game to WoW, they have blizzard as a dev who have been doing online games for years.

This game has some downfalls, don't think I am reviewing this from an overzealous fan perspective. Yes the memory leak is a problem, yes the time between matches can get boring(find some friends gamespot reviewer), yes the community is a little wonky, yes the wait times to get into a match can be hard to sit through. It doesn't make it a bad game. It makes it a game for some people, maybe those with patience to understand it better. Or those who know how to multi-task.

Bloodbath match times are a problem yes, but first of all you are facing a limited community with a very very progressive matchmaking system. Don't believe me? Read http://forums.auran.com/fury/forum/showthread.php?t=4106 and see how much the matchmaking system is looking at. With a player base as large as, say Halo, you would always feel right in place with everyone in your match.

I ask you this gamespot reviewer... What kind of a computer are you running to play this game? "It certainly doesn't help that the loading time to get to that area is so long that not only do you have time to make a sandwich, you actually have time to bake the bread you make it with." That must be a what? Pentium 3? I load between Sanctum and the instanced skill areas in 15 seconds maximum. Either you won the championship for making sandwiches are your eating dough. You died before you loaded did you? Usually I as well as 95% of the people in the match are waiting for the gates to open! I play on almost max settings and get at lowest 20fps. And it looks great while I am kicking peoples asses.

I played the beta for ONE weekend. During one of the Fury Challenges GAMESPOT WAS ADVERTISING. Three days and I loved it. Look into the story you will see why you go through different people to get new abilities. Read what Auran is saying and you will understand its pay mechanic. Many many popular games give you the ability to pay for privileges. You don't have to. You can if you want to either support Auran or get ahead of the crowd.

If you can understand how to play a game like Fury you will have a lot of fun. Bottom Line.