Don't trust all the bad reviews out there, this is actually a great game, it just has a few flaws.

User Rating: 7.5 | Fury (2007) PC
The basis of Fury is to be in a fast-paced PvP environment, promising no grinding, or anything of the sort. In reality, Auran doesn't come up to it's agreement on not having any sort of grinding, because at the end of the day, you're just killing people over and over for your gear, which is the idea of grinding. I believe that MMORPGs of all kind will never get rid of a grind, if they did, the game would have no substance, or playability. Anyways, back to Fury. Put grinding aside, this game has fast-paced, and fun PvP. There are a few features that seemed unnecessary and frustrating, like the fact that you can't hold 'charges' outside of battle, making some high-charge, non-attack skills useless, as you would be focusing on attacking while in battle. The little details of this game is where it's beauty shines, like the slight leaning of the character model while you turn, instead of just turning around, or the gleam off a character's helmet as he walked through a bright area. Speaking of graphics, this game definitely delivers, the only problem being that, a lot of people that I have met don't have the requirements for running the game in it's beauty-mode. I have tried the low-spec renderer, which is like turning all the graphics down, and it looks like the textures were ripped from an old PS1 game. Unfortunately for the people with rigs that run the in between, there is no setting for that, just very good looking, and very crap looking. The music is the same fantasy-orchestral mix of things, showing no innovativeness in the music themes. This made me turn it off and listen to my own battle themes. Overall, this game is good, don't get me wrong, but the small flaws, and unfinished promises make this game almost average, comparing with other MMOs that also have a PvE counter-part to it. You either will like this game, or hate it, and it all depends on if you like the fast-paced PvP nature of the game.