Some of the worst controls in video game history.

User Rating: 3.5 | Freedom Fighters XBOX
Freedom Fighters is a third person shooter for the Xbox. I had heard nothing but good about Freedom Fighters. So, while picking up a few used games, I though "why not try it out?" This was a big mistake. The game is about the Soviet Union taking over America. Original huh? I have stopped the might Red Army from total domination dozens of times in video games, must I do it again? Anyways, I have one huge problem with this game. The controls are absolutely terrible. To switch weapons, you have to hold down the right thumb stick AND move it in circles to select the item you want. It moves so fast and it's so hard to hold it down and move it in circles, I'm dead by the time I can select my item. What were they thinking? The control is just so awkward, I couldn't even play. I returned this game a day after I got it. It was just unplayable. It's like the people who made this game spent a bunch of time making a great game, but forgot to put in controls so had to slap them together at the last minute. I'm sure this is a good game, but it's hard to enjoy it when the controls are so bad. The graphics were pretty good and so was the sound. Freedom Fighters is plagued by horrendous controls and nothing is ever going to change that.