A game that never quite makes it past being a tech demo.

User Rating: 6.5 | Fracture X360
Fracture on paper sounds like a good game. We've got elite soldiers, genetically modified freaks, and a unique terrain altering feature.
The problem is however, that every element other than the terrain deformation is woefully underdeveloped, resulting in what amounts to a tech demo and not much more.

Jet Brody is a protagonist as bland as they come. There is absolutely nothing to distinguish him from the generic Marines of a dozen or more games. It's hard to care about any character as profoundly dull as Jet.

The Art design is very much in the vein of Gears of War, leading the title to have no distinguishing visual features of its own.

The only redeeming feature of the game is the terrain deformation, something woefully missing from shooters since the classic Red Faction. As a game mechanic it works quite well, replacing the cover system made vogue by Gears of War, and doing quite a good job of it. If only the rest of the game was as polished as this then Fracture would be taking its place among the triple A titles. As it is, Fracture is likely to disappear in the fog of mediocrity, with the superb terrain deformation engine unfortunately going with it.

Overall a disappointment. Its not a terrible game, you can have fun playing it, but you wont remember it afterwards and no-one will be wearing a Jet Brody t-shirt anytime soon.