Even though Fracture may not be the most original game on the market, it is still very entertaining and fun to play.

User Rating: 7.5 | Fracture X360
In this Halo-meets-Lost Planet-meets-Gears of War shooter, a player has the unique ability to alter the terrain in order to provide cover and dig holes or make ramps to reach different areas. This, mixed with a variety of different grenades, abilities, and weapons makes Fracture stylish, fun to play, and really, really cool.

The story is set in a futuristic United States where the west coast and east coast have been divided by a vast amount of rising ocean water. Civil war breaks out and you find yourself around the San Francisco area of California.

You begin in a very cliche tutorial mode that gets you acclimated to the various weapons and grenades in the game, as well as your ability to raise or lower terrain. The grenades are really cool and each have a different effect when thrown. One in particular is the vortex grenade. When this grenade is thrown, it creates a vortex that will suck in surrounding enemies and objects.

Although the game doesn't really feel original overall, it is still a fun and enjoyable experience. Not as epic as some of the other shooters available, but not bad either.