Although Fracture is innovative and surprisingly fun to play, it just doesn't have the Gusto.

User Rating: 6.5 | Fracture X360
Gamespot pretty much hit this game dead on. The ability of Altering Terrain for a shooter is innovative and fresh but it just wasn't pulled off very well in Fracture. I found it often impractical to use in the middle of a fire fight and found it easier to just run and around and gun the enemies down.

The Single player campaign is fairly short and nothing to aw inspiring. The multilayer is virtually none existent with how few many people actually play the game.

The large compliment of weapons and their pretty cool effects are probably the best thing Fracture has going for it. Each new weapon I found had a 5 to 10 minute learning curve just to figure out exactly what it did and how to use it to it's full effect. The Lodestone, Bangalore, Black Widow, the ST-4 torpedo launcher, Mole Mines and the Vortex grenades were probably the most notable of them and the most fun.

The most entertaining mode in the game I found was actually the "Weapons Testing" area. You can just basically mess around with all the various weapons and augmentations. The only drawback being you have to collect most of the data cells in the single player game to unlock most of the better weapons but their fairly easy to find on just a single playthrough.

The game ultimately falls short of what was a promising idea as mechanics, uninspiring game play and a fairly rudimentary run and gun fighting system pulled it into the mediocre category. A solid Rental or Bargain Bin pickup.