A rather good game, its worth renting if your not sure about it!

User Rating: 8.5 | Fracture X360
Gameplay: B+
Storyline: B-
Sound: B
Graphics: A-
Replay Value: Medium

"By the 22nd Century, mankind had passed the point of no return. Global climate change was irreversible. The melting of the polar ice caps, combined with drastic temperature changes and extreme weather phenomena, changing the lives of millions. Although the development of terrain deformation technology allowed the government to protect both the east and west coasts from the rising oceans, the central states weren't so lucky. The rising ocean levels flooded them, splitting the United States in two, and similarly divided her citizens.

People and governments took drastic action in order to survive in the changing world. Soon, even the definition of what it meant to be human was put to the test. In the Western U.S. the "Pacificans" began altering human DNA to withstand the pressures of a changing world. That's when things got out of control. The Atlantic Alliance chose another path. Instead, they developed cybernetics to protect Americans from extinction. They even passed laws to protect humanity from threat of genetic engineering.

The Pacificans turned their back on America. They've chosen to secede from the United States and to continue engineering themselves right out of their own humanity. Now, the Alliance must fight to stop the Pacifican Army and keep them from destroying mankind."

In Fracture you play as Jet Brody, you are apart of the Atlantic Alliance. There are a lot of interesting weapons in the game. You have weapons that actually terriform the landscape, so you can make yourself cover and whatnot. There are a whole bunch of weapons in the game like: UG-V Black Widow, Scorpion Sniper Rifle, Mole Mine Launcher, Invader Shotgun, Pacifican Raptor Rifle, and a whole bunch more.

The game is rather short, personally I wish it was a little bit longer. It also ended kinda cheesy, it was really easy to defeat bosses and there was not much challenges. There were challenges, but not enough in my opinion. Fracture is a good game, but needs just a little bit more work.

Anybody who likes shooters!!