Feel the Earth shattering power in Fracture!

User Rating: 7.5 | Fracture X360
Looking at the reviews Fracture received, I was shocked. "This game isn't THAT bad," I thought. Yes, Fracture doesn't meet up to what was expected from it, but it's still a fun game well worth the price.

-Great soundtrack
-Fun online play
-Excavation mode is cool
-Terrain Deformation opens up lots of possibilities...

-Doesn't live up to the hype
--Many derrative elements

-Fracture's Campaign is okay, but isn't really isn't the best thing around. While playing, you will encounter Data Cells. When you get a certain amount of these, you will unlock the Weapons Testing Facility, which is pretty much like a sandbox mode. The weapons you weild consist of rocket launchers, sniper rifles, machineguns, you know. Fracture does have some unique weapons though. Grenades don't just explode. They can raise, lower, and twist the terrain. There are also some really cool guns like the "Freeze Rifle" which can freeze enemies and terrain and the "Torpedo Launcher" which launches a torpedo into the ground and detonates near enemies. The story predicts a bad future. In order to adapt to the enviroment, the Pacificans decided to genetically alter their DNA, while the Atlantic Alliance went to upgrading their technology. You play as Jet Brody, an Alliance soldier sent to arrest General Sheridan - a man accused of starting a Pacifican rebellion. The story is simple, creative, but overall not very catchy. When I say that I mean - it doesn't grab you. You don't feel, "Oh my God, what's gonna happen next?!" you know?

-Luckily, Fracture's online play saves the day, with some fun game modes and map variety. Up to 12 people can play online. Terrain deformation makes playing with other gamers a blast. The possibilities your "Entrencher" (the weapon that allows you to fracture the ground) can offer are endless. Being chased by an enemy? You can raise the ground under your feet to shoot you in the air and land you behind them! Who's the victim now? One mode that is especially unique is Excavation. This has two teams raise spikes out of the ground to earn points. The other game modes include Free for all, Capture the flag, Kingmaker, and Break In, all of which can be played in teams.

-Overall, Fracture doesn't live up to what was expected of it. Terrain deformation makes this game stand out, but everything else has been seen before in a third-person shooter. This game, however, still manages to deliver a unique experience you can't get from any other 3rd person shooter. TIP - If a store tries to charge you more than $20 for this game, you're being ripped off!

Review by - ChrisM95