this game was dissapointing but with a cool fresh idea.

User Rating: 4.5 | Fracture X360
I don't know what to say bout this game great idea but incredably underutilized. there is alot of cheap deaths and the controls are annoying the weapons look ugly and i dont really want to use them and the grenades are useless. As a plus the graphics are good the story is interesting, but the enemy looks stupid and the maps are gay excuse the term. I personally hate the game lucas arts really dropped the ball on this one and prolly should stick to stormtroopers cuse well play it and you'll know. Also just coudlnt play throught it so, dismiss my words if you want and, what i say isnt fare to the game cuz i havent beat it but what i say is true never the less its not for me but some gamers may like it as seemingly retarded as that my be id rent it to see if you like it becuase this one is an aquared taste.