A great change to the shooter genre.

User Rating: 8.5 | Fracture X360
When i first heard about this game, i was like o my gosh this looks so sweet, then everybody started bashing it and calling it a poser, and that it wasnt worth buying. so i was like hm maybe i wont get it. but now that i have it, i realize, it was totally worth it, the game is so intense, having to make cover with ur entrencher before the swarming hordes of pacificans overtake u is way exciting. its good to have it in 3rd person because u can see around u and thats definately good with the terrain deformation goin on, the weapons are sweet, my favorite so far is the pacifican raptor, pretty much a sniper, except u have way more bullets and it works fine from closerange. to wrap up, fracture is an intense game with some sweet changes to the normal shooter genre. it also has some sweet looking levels and enviroments.