With great weapons, multiplayer, and AI this game is a must buy.

User Rating: 9.5 | Fracture X360
Fracture brings terrain deformation, the editor tool, to the gameplay itself. You are able to change the environment and use weapons to modify it even more. Plus, the enemies in the game react to the different environments and adapt. Your goal is to kill an evil dictator and using these weapons, the battle is always different. Replaying missions is fun to, but they also give you a sandbox mode. You can do anything there. Fractures multiplayer is very fun. There is a scavenger game where you have to find the object. This is my grade on Fracture:

Unique weapons
Smart AI
Sandbox mode
the overall combat

Short game
Long levels
Some levels are extremely difficult

This downs are very small and usually don't effect the gameplay. Which is why this game deserves a 9.5.