It's different enough from the average shooter to be interesting. It's a nice change from CoD4 & Halo clones.

User Rating: 8.5 | Fracture X360
At first the average rating of 6 had me leery, but after seeing some of the lame comments from the power gamers I figured it was worth a chance and sure enough, it wasn't bad.

It's not an uber-awesome game, but then there really aren't that many anyways. It's a nice average game that goes above average with it's twist on weapons.....mainly the weapons that change the terrain.

Sure, it's a gimmick, but then every game has a gimmick whether it's run and gun, use terrain to hide behind and shoot, figure out puzzles, etc.

Fracture does have an semi-cliche apocalyptic future with hero's and high tech weapons winning the day.....almost made me think of Half-Life. But if you look beyond that for something with a twist, I think this has one. The twist being the ground changing weapons. The gernades that make the ground plummet into a sink hole, and the rifle rounds that cause the ground to shoot up like giant moleholes. That's cool. Disney cool sure, but still cool.

It's not uber, but it's a good game without to much graphic violence/blood. It's mindless fun with some neat twists. And so far the online players aren't the trash talking jerks that I see on Halo 3 and CoD4.