Will Fracture change the way we game?

User Rating: 5.5 | Fracture X360
No infact it won't. Fracture is like many of the other games that come out when a prior game makes a big splash, it attempts to cash in on the idea adding very little of it's own originality. Fracture takes ideas mostly from Gears of War, Halo, Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 3, and a bunch of other games and slaps them together, puts a package on it, and releases it to the gaming public. Unfortunatly the gaming public will be fools initially by it's package, hopefully reviews like mine will help other gamers from making that mistake.

Fracture visually is pretty good. You can tell that Lucasarts totally ripped off the Halo Engine and made a hybrid of their own. The name is so lame for your character and the supporting character they don't even bear mentioning here. Let's just say you are the usual bald space marine bad to the bone type with a large arsenal of weapons you've probably shot before in prior 3rd person shooters. In fact you basically look like the main protagonist in The Force Unleashed. The characters are a bit stiffly animated, the back grounds are well detailed, and coloring scheme is ok, and there are some good details in the graphic presentation.

The best idea, and the only original one is the ability to make the ground raise or lower. It's an original idea that used very slightly through out the game. Otherwise you have the same old arsenal of weapons that are controlled the same old way that you have controlled them before in the games that this one totally rips off.

The music is kind of annoying, the little that there is. They try really hard to make it sound like you are out on a epic of massive proportions when really you are playing a lame version of Gears of War (did I mention that already?). The sounds are ok, and don't seem out of place. Everything that you would expect in a shooting game. The controls are responsive, and set up exactly like the games it rips off.

So basically if you want to pay full price for a game you've already played before, hacked up, repackaged, and presented to you, the gamer, lamely then this is the game for you. Otherwise it's worth a good rental or demo for an hour. Afterward you'll switch back to a game that isn't average and play something worth while.