Good visuals and exciting combat along with fun terraforming make Fracture a satisfying third person shooter!

User Rating: 5.5 | Fracture X360
I bought Fracture one day and couldn't wait to play it. It was fun at first, but after I got a little farther through it I saw it lacked some potential that it should have. I am not very far, but I have stopped playing Fracture because I eventually got tired of it. The guns and combat are cool, but some of the gameplay doesn't flow quite right. The fact that it is third person matches the game itself, but if they had changed some stuff and made it first person that would be better. The visuals are good enough for me. I expected better, but it is fine the way it is. When you throw a spike grenade, the spike just sort of lifts and comes out of nowhere. It doesn't look like it actually came from the ground. The other terraforming tools however, look a lot more organic. There is also a spider enemy that crawls underground and pops up to attack. When doing so, dirt is flying from the earth. It happens to be another flaw in this game. It doesn't look like dirt. It seems more like brown pixels coming from more brown. The artificial intelligence isn't a problem, though. Your enemies are pretty smart. Even with nice explosions and tough AI, I would not recommend Fracture for the XBOX 360.