one of the best role playing games out there!

User Rating: 9 | Bokura wa Kaseki Horida DS
Fossil Fighters is about a boy who lives on vivosaur island and is trying to become a master fighter. you can collect fossils from dig sites, clean them, and revive them into monsters. this game is very similar to the pokemon series and has a great story line to go along with the game. This game is a lot of fun because you can train your vivosaurs and battle them against other trainers. There is only one bad thing about the game and that is the graphics. Not the best, but surely not the worst. Its really not a big deal and if thats keeping you from buying the game, then forget about it, the graphics are not important in this game. I also like how the game never really ends. Even after you beat it there is still plenty of things to do and it always keeps you occupied. its the best "non name brand' game that i have ever played. You will really enjoy it. If you like RPG games similar to pokemon, you should definitely buy this game! You wont be disappointed.